in #politics7 years ago (edited)

When I was 20, I didnt have political opinions. I was ignorant as shit, but these days, doesnt it seem as if every college kid is a wannabe expert and professional activist?

And although we do want to encourage everyone to be politically aware, this is dangerous because not only do they have little real world experience, most of all, they are bred to feel as if they do, their egos have been stroked so hard by the system in order to have their MASSIVE energies directed by the worst forms of government possible. College youth have no idea that they have been indoctrinated, activated, and are constantly being methodically triggered.

They are oblivious to the fact that their strong opinions are not even theirs. They belong to the group, to the worldview given to them by the far left. They are in a methodically contrived backward reality. Almost everything they can define has been redefined. They are very weak on reading and history.


The word "Fascism" comes to mind. Ask any university student, and they will give you the new definition which associates it with "far right" politics, and thus everything "Trump", "Republican" and "racist", but before 1980 there was no such distinction. The definition was the same for nearly 200 yrs, and it didnt point to one side of the isle.

Look at this short clip to see how they changed the definition of Fascism

The original definition can be found to support EVERYTHING THAT THE LEFT IS DOING TODAY and its logical conclusion! These are the same politics that brought Hitler to power. The Free shit for everybody campaign of Bernie is exactly that type of technique. The intolerance of other peoples opinions, not allowing them to speak at universities, reacting violently to the opinions of others; its all exactly what creates fascists.

And please dont confuse my rhetoric for being pro-right. I am not. Im in the middle, but in a society that has overdosed on blue pills, due to a heavily biased media and education system, the middle is to the right of the majority. I'd be shitting all over the right if the ball was this far in their court, but it is way far from that.


These kids today are not being educated. They are being indoctrinated with unreality, to be easily controlled, and to overwhelm reason with emotion and numbers.

If the social engineers could reason their ideal future with the majority of American adults, they would, but they cant, and so they must breed children to accept these dangerous illusions and co-opt their tremendous force of youth energy.

If you are a college aged person and are passionate about politics, keep going, BUT... heed these words...

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. "
~ Mark Twain

With love, and slight nausea,


That's the system for ya. Before, you'd form your ideas throughout your life and stay quiet whilst your elders talked about politics over dinner. Now...you've got entitlement and a passive aggressive mouthpiece in social media. Everyone's an expert at everything.

Someone is waking up

The main problem is right there in your post.

They are very weak on reading and history.

A blank mind is easy to fill with whatever the system wants. You mention 'social engineers' and I'm afraid you're right. And now I need to quote one of my favorite lines from 1984.
I understand how, but I don't understand why?'

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