Sunday Metal Chat

Happy Sunday! First of all, I hope that everyone that is being affected by Florence is safe and our thoughts to any and all that are going through a loss during this time. It is storms like this that reinforce stacking and prepping as a way of life. We hear people talking about being ready when SHTF. A natural disaster like a Hurricane, Flood, Tornado or Blizzard certainly counts as a SHTF scenario, if you have ever lived through a major storm of any kind you know that it can take weeks even years for things to get back to “normal”, it is a nice feeling to know that you have done everything possible to take care of yourself and your loved ones.

It is almost Fall and the start of the 4th quarter of the year, it is a good time to take stock of not only your stacking plans but your preps. Each Quarter we rotate our food preps, clean our weapons and restock as needed to the levels we are happy with or add additional preps. This is a great way to avoid any last minute issues and to know that each day when you wake up you are ready for whatever happens. Prepping should not have to be a doomsday thought process, it should be an” I am ready for the world “ thought process. The confidence in knowing you are ready shows through in your everyday life. I would love to hear if any of you have a system to maintain not only your stack but your preps.

Stay Safe everyone! Thanks for Reading and Happy Stacking!
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I never thought about it but i have plenty canned goods and bottled water.

And off grid cooking appliances

We do unless your the IRS then we lost it in a boating accident

Lofl! Exactly! Damn tippy canoes 😜👍

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