Charging Full STEEM Ahead

in #nsfw8 years ago

Charging Full STEEM Ahead

It was an average day.

I was sitting at an average desk, at my average job, living my average life, when suddenly a 'friend request' appeared on my average facebook page. It was a friend from some twenty years earlier whom I hadn't seen since high school. I accepted his request then began to troll his photos. 

What I saw shocked me! 

First, let me tell you about my friend. He was quiet and awkward, but always just an average guy. He never played sports, never joined the drama club, and never dated a cheerleader. He used to sit at the front of the bus, silently looking out the window until the vehicle rolled up to his average house, nestled amidst his average neighborhood. I remember feeling sorry for him. How sad it must be to live such an average life, I thought. 

But not me. I was outspoken and popular in high school. I played sports, took the lead role in the school musical, and dated the hottest cheerleader on the squad. My life was anything but average. 

So there I was, twenty years later, staring in disbelief at my friend's facebook page. It appeared after graduating from high school, he had moved to New York where he began writing screenplays. How long it took him to succeed I do not know, but there he was in a photo shaking hands with Bruce Willis. In another photo he was toasting beers with Leonardo DiCaprio and in yet another, being given a piggy-back ride by Tom Cruise on the set of some unknown movie. Well...not that unknown. As it turned out my 'average' friend had written several movies I myself owned in a DVD collection at home. 

An overwhelming feeling of emptiness and regret filled my entire being. Why did I never pursue my dreams? When did I give up and just accept this boring life? My friend had found the courage to chase his talent. He dared to be different! He accepted the risk and ran with it! And now look at the two of us. Twenty years later and I'm the one at the front of the bus, silently staring out the window of an average life. 

It was at that moment I decided to re-create myself. No longer would I settle for being just average. No longer would I fear the rejection and ridicule that comes with chasing my dreams. Yes I might fail, but at least I would fail spectacularly. And that, in itself, would trump the curse of living an average life. 

So here I am today, unapologetic for who I'll be tomorrow. I write weird stories, I create and direct strange music videos, and I paint and photograph beautiful girls. If people hate my work...great! If my work creates some controversy...even better! I'm charging full STEEM ahead and I'm never looking back. 

Look there! 

The light is shining over an above-average sunrise. I'll think I'll stop writing now...

and go step into it.

(Divinorum Studios is my own creation and all models have given me signed permission to use their likeness. I believe STEEM is going to revolutionize social media and I'm honored to be a part of it. The future awaits...) 

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 67319.79
ETH 2629.90
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.67