Should it be this hard to share free money biz opps?

in #money7 years ago

To he who much is given, much is required and that is why I choose free programs to help others because they definitely hesitate to join the biz opps that cost $1 or more. lol

I never thought I would see the day as an entrepreneur, marketer or home business specialist that people would ask for information to make money with a free biz opp and then do nothing. I believe most people are just trying to be nosey and keep an I on what you are doing to make money or be successful and they had no intentions to join you from the beginning!

I have been working as an entrepreneur since 2007 and most of my programs have had a fee but lately I wanted to make sure that I had something for those that honestly can't invest. With that came silence from those individuals that asked for me to add the free programs to my portfolio. If it has a cost, it's too much, if it doesn't have a cost, it's too good to be true! OMG!

So I am adopting a new outlook in my services and from now on it will be either you want it or you don't. I noticed after all these years that you can't focus on one type of individual although you want to try and make everyone happy or help them build additional income streams. 

My highly successful business partners have zero tolerance for the slackers and bs'ers and those type of people will get their feelings hurt trying to waste their time. Unfortunately, I am being left no choice myself but to basically block out those that simply are not ready to be successful, at least not in my profession. I will pray for them and keep it moving!

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