Want to Change Your Habits? Change Your Environment

in #life3 years ago

Some people have difficulty learning a new skill or forming a new habit. Due to social conditioning, we are taught to be subservient, avoid disagreement, and engage in just the most basic of activities, such as walking and talking. Instead of over-conditioning ourselves, we must learn to develop and cultivate new abilities and habits from the ground up. It's possible that you were raised to be aloof, self-absorbed, and endlessly remorseful for your mistakes. Unless we teach and cultivate self-confidence, respect and assertiveness in our children, they will grow up to be passive, vulnerable and unhappy as a result of their upbringing.


We can assist them in a number of ways. For children to learn and develop, we must give them with opportunities to do so. Parents can aid in their children's development by serving as role models and encouraging them to acquire new skills and abilities. Parents' encouragement increases the likelihood that their children will replicate their parents' skills and abilities.

Take into consideration your friends and relatives. There is a good chance you have been told that you are doing something incorrectly, that you should try harder, or simply that you should try harder. These remarks may have a negative impact on your self-esteem, preventing you from adopting a habit or learning a new skill. Such advise, if given in a kind and helpful manner, can assist you in developing a new habit or ability. We frequently hear about people developing new habits and developing new abilities as a result of the guidance of a mentor.

It is also crucial to consider the surrounding environment. Our interactions with others can often be detrimental to our ability to learn or build a skill or habit, as numerous examples demonstrate. For example, a shy individual might be urged to join a gym where they will be more likely to meet other people who share their interests and goals. This will assist them in feeling more confident in their appearance and the manner in which they express themselves. This is an example of positive peer pressure.

A daily workout, on the other hand, can help you to enhance and increase your muscular tone and definition. In addition, you'll meet some interesting people. While a gym cannot teach a skill or create a habit, regular exercise can help people develop a lifelong dedication to fitness and health. Your new habit will also assist you in making healthier eating choices and maintaining a steady weight loss. Furthermore, developing a habit improves the likelihood of putting it into practise.

Our work environment might sometimes make it difficult to learn a new skill or acquire a new habit. Sitting at a desk all day helps to keep our bodies in a state of relaxation. As a result, acquiring a new skill or developing a new habit at work may be difficult. A daily regimen of physical activity is required to overcome this obstacle. A lower level of activity increases the likelihood of developing a skill or habit.

Our familial environment can sometimes make it difficult to learn a new skill or acquire a new habit. This might make the development of any new skill or habit more difficult to achieve. This provides parents with greater control over the lives of their children. As a result, they do not receive the encouragement and support that they require in order to be successful. Personal development necessitates the development of our abilities and habits in our personal lives.


Among the many ways in which the environment might influence a habit or aptitude are those listed above. This knowledge is essential as you make plans for your future and how you will live your life. Among the other considerations are the financial implications of growing your habit or talent. Whatever the case, habit building is unquestionably beneficial to everyone.

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