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RE: /Futurology/ - Discuss the future today

This is my kind of forum... I'll leave this nugget from Douglas Rushkoff's "Program or be Programmed", which I think you'll find relevant (definitely one of the more prescient thinkers of our time)!

That’s why this moment matters. We are creating a blueprint together—a design for our collective future. The possibilities for social, economic, practical, artistic, and even spiritual progress are tremendous. Just as words gave people the ability to pass on knowledge for what we now call civilization, networked activity could soon offer us access to shared thinking—an extension of consciousness still inconceivable to most of us today. The operating principles of commerce and culture—from supply and demand to command and control—could conceivably give way to an entirely more engaged, connected, and collaborative mode of participation.

Rushkoff, Douglas. Program or Be Programmed (Kindle Locations 78-83). OR Books. Kindle Edition.


Thank you for sharing this. Program or be programmed does speak volumes in this day and age. Even mobile apps are hiring services that tweak the color palette and symbols depending on how our brains react. Our human nature is being "exploited" for profit.

You might be interested to check out tau-chain, it is one step towards shared thinking :

Woah... I'll look into it more. Sounds very ambitious, I'm curious how the AI will determine the legitimate/valuable knowledge from the junk. Most likely the answer is over my head haha

If you find out let me know. I only know what the goal is not how they plan to achieve it. Way too technical for me at this stage but I have my hopes up. World needs more visionaries building stuff.

Amen to that haha

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