Erumic UI (Settings) Android Custom Theme

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

Hello, everyone!
I'd like to share theme development for Android ROM called Erumic UI.
What is Erumic UI?

Erumic UI is a substratum custom theme, but for now it's only settings applied.

What is substratum?

Substratum is built up on the RRO framework developed by Sony. RRO Stands for Runtime Resource Overlay, to further it, Sony worked on OMS. OMS stands for Overlay Manager Service. OMS is created for managing overlays, allow the providers to control priorities and enable/disable overlays, but that causes a few conflicts with Layers and these functions were under the control of the themer. So, to workaround the issues by OMS, the developers behind Layers Managers have teamed up to create Substratum.

Github Repo:

Proof of Login and Works

What I've done the most is at here, because I focus on settings changes.
If we'd like to theme an application, we need to find the package name first. When we find out what's the name, create a folder within "assets/overlays" and name it as the package name, then start to theme what's part you want to.
Overlay Location.JPG

For me, these are the folders I want to theme. You can change to what folders you just want to theme. If you're confused what's the inside of your application, you can use the Stanley Explorer and see how to use it on my post here.
Overlay files themed.JPG

As the default, Android start to use VectorDrawable.
What is VectorDrawable?

VectorDrawable is a drawable based on an XML vector graphic. You can see more about at here

It is alright if you don't want to use SVG's path data format.
What is SVG's path data?

SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphic. It is XML vector image format and path data is basically the virtual canvas where the paths are drawn on.

Android VectorDrawable PathData.JPG

You can change into PNG files instead.
What is PNG?

PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics. It is an image or graphic format that support lossless data compression.


And, this is the inside of values folder that I've changed.

Especially, on dimens.xml, because we want to make the dashboard separate and give the space to make the look beautiful.

Dimens is dimension. Dimension is specified with a number followed by a unit of measure. You can see more about it at here.

Settings dimentional.JPG

Here is The Final Result

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