
Thanks! I think I will continue to do them in the future! I'm less technical than most as far as indicators are concerned. 15k was chosen as a psychological support level and is also backed by historical price movement from a few days ago and it does look like its holding nicely. The other 2 levels are arbitrarily picked to reduce risk and allow me to scale into the position. I trade more on intuition and social factors than technical indicators, but that's just me.

Huh interesting. And I imagine you do decently well this way? If so I'll definitely have to get some tips. I'm pretty much just getting into crypto trading so I'm still trying to learn, thanks for the quick reply!

I do pretty well, but I've been trading markets for almost 7 years now. I started out trading stocks and then options contracts and now crypto. I still dabble in options and stocks, but I enjoy trading in high volatility, and you can't find higher volatility than crypto! I plan on doing a series on how investing in crypto has allowed me to drop out of college and trade full-time. Stay tuned!

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