Kavanaugh Nomination And Why U.S. Democracy Is A Joke

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Called it. He got voted in.


What's the surprise? Are you actually in disbelief that a man accused of sexual assault, a man acting as a sleeper agent for the Federalist Society, a man whose actions retired Supreme Court Justice Stevens considered 'disqualifying', are you actually in disbelief that this slime is voted in?

As the Washingtonpost reports, the vote itself speaks volumes towards the undemocratic nature of the United States.

"Kavanaugh’s confirmation will come with support from senators representing only 44.2 percent of country."

That is, in the 51-49 vote, those senators who voted yes represent only 44.2% of the country. More than half the country is against Kavanaugh getting the nomination. But if we went with percentages and absolute values, Trump wouldn't have been elected anyway. The guy didn't even get the popular vote.

Just a reminder, if we're talking about the 2016 election. Trump didn't win, Clinton lost. Trump earned about 25% of all possible votes. Clinton earned about 26%. If she actually was a winning candidate, and not the queen of neoliberalism and wholly absent of any self-criticism that she continues to be, then maybe she wouldn't be resentful towards the other half of eligible votes that didn't bother to vote!

Thank Clinton for Trump, as she thought he'd be an easy running mate. She had no idea that her milquetoast attempts at corporate feminism weren't enough to actually sway a crowd. She had no idea that speaking privately to a room of thieves and bankers wouldn't look too good at making her seem like an actual human being. She pandered to the black vote, claiming that she carried around a bottle of hot sauce. Thank Clinton for Trump. Thank Clinton for Kavanaugh.

source: Washington Post

And when you're done with the emotions, organize. You don't need to be held hostage to these fuckers during a revolution.

"The guillotine is just a college drinking game!"


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Leaders who have actually worked among the masses are few. To most political heavyweights people are herds- to be coaxed into falling in line by any means available. With HUGE election budgets there are a lot of "means" to literally subjugate the voters.- Trump is a living proof!
And many voters don't give a damn!

yep. more than half objectively committed themselves to a voter strike. Of course, something like one fifth of the population of the US is unable to vote anyway, whether by age or penal restrictions

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