Do we really age inside

in #aging7 years ago

Youth is state of mind not the age of the body!
When I was younger I used to observe “older” people. My perception of their age was 180 degrees different than what is now. I couldn’t grasp why they are not vivacious and happy, what is the reason behind grumpiness, not to mention the question “Why the hell do they need love or attention of opposite sex?” Flirting among them looked gross to me...for God sakes, they long passed sexual appropriate age!


Then, time passes in front of you and twenty years are gone in a blink, at one stage (around your fourties) you suddenly notice that when you enter a bus some kind kid gets up from their seat to make spot for you. O oooo that is the first alarm, first time when you realize “I’m aging!”.
You run back home and stand in front of a mirror, for the first time you notice light wrinkles, few gray hairs, but still you don’t seem to look older to yourself. That picture of your face in your twenties is hard stuck in your brain and overlap your real face like a layer in photoshop.

Image: Tom Hussey’s ‘Mirror’ Series Old & Young Reflections

Ooo and photos, when you reach the forties you seriously hate photos of yourself. They are hard proof that you are no longer as attractive as you used to be. Every single person starts to behave “strange” when reaching those years...Middle age crisis we call it. Some of us start to buy youthful clothes, some try to find refuge in an affair, exaggerated flirting, and what not. Just like a puberty every person needs to go through it and need to get to the point when he/she realizes that aged body doesn’t mean dying spirit.


Why is it so hard to accept aging body? Because your spirit doesn’t age, it is stuck in those sweet years when you have been happiest in life.

Every now and then I think about this. I understand young people which still don’t have that kind experience so they can’t grasp proverb “Age is a state of mind” or “Age is just a number” but sooner or later they will get to the point where I am now. I’m not sure will I change after I pass that 50 barrier, I can’t say because haven’t crossed that bridge yet.


So my dear young people, if I joke and laugh out loud, dance and behave quirkily doesn’t mean I’m crazy...I just let my suppressed young me peak out...or simply forgot to hide it 😊.



We would be divorced from reality if we ever thought that we won't age and our hairs become grey and old. I mean our grannies were once like us, reminds us to make the most of our relationships and love unconditionally.

Sometimes, let's be honest we lie to ourselves, because we don't want to be grannies, at least not inside.

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