My reply to @quillfire; "For the People", an AMAZING POEM!

in #blog7 years ago

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Very Important Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN THIS! This poem was written by the very talented @quillfire, and his SteemIt post can be found RIGHT HERE! All the credits go to him, I own nothing but my words in reply to him as OP.


😆😝😄😅 This... This is just pure GOLD! How come you have not best-sellers and famous books all over the World? I mean, America is probably a GREAT place to grow and publish best-sellers-to-be, you should not be the exception! 👑⚜💰

By the context I do conclude you do live in America... Washington, D.C. is perhaps my favourite city in the USA... So rich, so peaceful and solemn, and yet so embattled and full of the writings of posterior history! From Rome and Athens indeed, an echo goes down the ages, and meets its identity replicated so many centuries after... 🏛🏛🏛

Actually yes, what a real rarity the Constitution of the United States is! A monolith from which all Law and Justice henceforth spring from... Forth... Forward... AMAZING! 🌬🌪⚡️

The French Revolution has been called out all throughout time and space (the full geography and "posterior history" of ours, that is) as the cornerstone of "Liberty, Fraternity, Equality" but; were Voltaire and Montesquieu wrong?


So, what is Law? What is Legislation? What is it that the Race of Men writes in Tables of Stone for all generations to come...?

I would say, the one that inspired the French one was the American Revolution! Many would! many know it to be so! But we don't hear that too often, do we? WHY? That overcomes me... I do know that to be standing at the feet of the (George) Washington Memorial, to be within the semi-sacred hall of the (Abraham) Lincoln Memorial, to walk through the Arlington National Cemetery, to see and feel what is felt at the shrines of the Founding Fathers... It is without equal. An experience I'd recommend to all lovers of history, democracy, American National pride, or a combination of the three! Probably Napoleon Bonaparte, beyond the waters of the Atlantic (though jealous and confounded), would agree! Or Simon Bolivar to the South, or even his master/teacher and eventual prisoner, Francisco De Miranda (the hero of France, Russia and America ALL COMBINED, no less...) 🇷🇺


These flags up here, what do they have in common? The 1st and the 2nd ones I already pointed out above, but what about the third one? Well, it may be that "history is written by the victors"... And who won the Wars of Hispanic American Independence? It was not Spain, it were her children abroad... And thus, the "Metrópoli", the "Madre Patria" (or Mother-Motherland, if we are accurate) was left to wonder the pages of history alone and stripped of her former power, her glory and her predominant strength even over Britain, France and the whole wide World... 🇬🇧

The "Invincible" Armada was defeated, the realms of her Emperors and Kings (who once ruled all of Europe except France, Britain and the lands beyond Poland) crumbled into dust and ashes... The Holy Roman/Spanish Empire, a shadow of its former self... Thus, the spoils of war enriched lesser countries and lands, less glorious but far more "opportunistic"...

So what is written in Law and Judicial Systems if not the outcome of history? The victors write the laws, not the defeated...

It sounds as an off-shot, I know, but the deal is, this is the 3rd happening of the American Revolution phenomenon, but the one that is usually overlooked; Simon Bolivar (the "Liberator") had his own selfish interests for, "liberating"... He wanted power, all of it, but because he was a Spaniard born abroad, he had to leave the exercise of power in the hands of "true" Children of Spain... So he plotted against them, against the sons and daughters of "The Planet King" (you read that well, THE PLANET KING! Phillip IV), against Charles IV and his heir Ferdinand VII, whom De Miranda always defended, and whose flags and standards he carried into battle against the French ("FVII" could be read atop them).


He eventually succeeded, and took advantage of the chaos in the Peninsula (Spain) caused by the Napoleonic Armies sweeping through, the brother of the Emperor (Joseph, "King of Bottles" of wine) now the usurper of the Crown and Throne at Madrid...

So, a lie is what we are told and fed: France was the enemy at first, not Spain; the goal, to "relocate" power from Spain-borne politicians; and LASTLY, one of the biggest lies... A Republic was already in place in Spain (so, in the Hispanic context, the Latin American ones were not the first ones!) and also... A CONSTITUTION! 👁📜🛡

Well I may have gone well over my reach here, but I don't know, I get easily carried by these type of themes, forgive me! I'd like to wrap it up with a more-modern discussion; the sales of fire-arms in the United States of America. Why are they so freely allowed? Well, "Second Amendment!", most Nationals would shout...

But, why? Why was such a thing established in said amendment? As far as I know, "to defend the American people from their enemies, both foreign AND DOMESTIC"... The USA is probably the ONLY Nation World-wide (or one of the few, with Australia and Canada maybe?) that has not seen tyrants, despots and dictators arise from their loins... Britain has seen them, all of Europe for that matter, East Asia... And let's not mention Latin America and the Near Orient! The USA seems to be the only odd in a list full of evens...

Tyranny may be more afraid of a people "armed to the teeth" and fighting for their own freedoms than we usually realize... Long Live the Law!!!

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