The Art of Being on Your Own

in #life6 years ago (edited)


Yesterday, someone visited me to talk about my upcoming tour. She's not really a friend, just a potential contractor. I'm trying to see if she can be helpful in my business. After a couple of disappointments with others, it's always worth a try. It's a neverending quest for the right people. Then she asked me, how come I don't feel alone here? This is one reason why I usually don't like people coming over. All their nosy questioning of how it is possible to live alone. It's like an impossible thing here. But I understand, this is just something very typical in a community-minded setting where people get their happiness and pride from being with people all the time. While here I am, I can't even begin to imagine myself living with someone without hating that person in the end.

I know, I don't belong here. Sure, there are moments of feeling alone especially during the PMS days. It's like every month I want to die. I get really anxious and worried about the future. Everything that I have to do in my life. But I know that feeling is just momentary. The next days, I will begin to appreciate the fine art of being all by myself again. I am one of those people that get a lot of enjoyment out of these more independent years. Sometimes I want to explain myself though it's not really necessary. I've designed my own routine. I make my own breakfast. I water my plants. I say good morning to my cat then I work on my computer. I cycle to the beach in the afternoon to catch the sunset. It doesn't look like it but I do a lot of things. Things that don't really require people. I love my peace and I want more of it.

I know that moving to a different place totally on your own is difficult. It's not for everyone. But I had my previous training from years of being on the road. I was constantly leaving and arriving and not seeing people anymore. I've gotten used to it that I feel like there's nothing I can't handle anymore. I see people just as a passing show. Getting used to aloneness is good for being an entrepreneur. I guess I've turned my isolation into something good.

As much as I wish for a stable social environment, I just fail whenever I try. So, I learned to fully embrace my aloneness, in the end, this is really what I want. If I see it as negative, then it means there's something wrong with me. And I don't really see it that way, I feel content and peaceful being able to live up to my routine and fulfill my daily tasks. I realized that relationships are not the center of my world anymore. Whenever I try to be with people, I just end up wanting to be on my own. I think removing myself from the game saves me all the trouble of liking and disliking them.

I am pretty much convinced that it is very possible to be happy on your own if you don't take orders from anyone and you know exactly what you want in life. Right now, what I really want to achieve is maximum comfort and privacy. Like the first-world type of comfort and privilege. This is quite impossible if I don't have a lot of money. In my perspective, I have to work hard and be able to buy this status. I have to be successful in my business and be able to enjoy life without having to worry about basic needs and anything else. And live my life fully and continue to enjoy the fine art of just being on my own.


Believe it or not.. Many of us in the "first world" (USA, I guess) are very much on the edge of starvation... The image that is broadcast to you, of a nation of plenty... is false. This same lie is broadcast to us non-stop, to convince us that this is the best it has ever been, the best it ever GOT (past tense) and that the entire reason that Life is Shit, is due to the (liberals, immigrants, crazies, gun-lovers, commies, SCAPEGOAT OF THE MOMENT.)

And very gradually, there are people waking up to it. This young generation is awakening to it.. and some of those of us old folks (Generation-X) are not so burned out as to forget "How it was supposed to be..."

You see, doll.. We have always been sold the same lie... The American Dream (truly, an American Scream) for the past 30 years now.. Always to prop-up the wealthy, who are themselves, so conditioned, as to believe themselves merely "comfortable"...

But the long story short, is that the hour is growing late, the Gods are coming to take their revenge, and We... We are here, now. We get to choose our path, in this time before the world falls... And believe it or not.. Us devils... we are the ones on top. We are the ones who are adapting, almost instinctively, to the proper adaptations that our species will need in order to survive the Time of Silent Children.

Basically... you are doing the very Right thing.. Learning to make do for yourself, taking the Hard Time to become stronger and harder... and Loving it all the way!!! This is what is Righteous.. Humans were not meant to be herd animals, we were not meant to live as we have lived for the past 200 years. We are meant to be terrifying, and lovely, and of a Furious Beauty... That very Beast, which can live on it's own without help..

But bows, Only to Glory...

(Pardon my friend Carcosa, she's had a fair amount to drink) But... basically what I'm saying is: You are on the right track. You are training yourself to be fully independent. Someone who truly -needs- Nobody... and therefore, is a pure Grace to those whom she chooses...

Don't lose faith, honey. You are doing just fine.. ;-)

Many of us in the "first world" (USA, I guess) are very much on the edge of starvation... The image that is broadcast to you, of a nation of plenty... is false.

I know you think I don't know? BUT, you still cannot compare the poverty. You have the privilege, remember that...You cannot argue because it will only get ugly... Believe it or not, I know and studied a lot of other people's shit. I am prepared to go to war. So let's just leave it this way, shall we? :)

I do know that.. that our nation is so fantastically wealthy that even our homeless and destitute have paved roads to walk on, plentiful trashcans to raid, overflowing ashtrays to gather smokes from... That knowledge is part of what has allowed me to experience the pleasure of living like a king despite being homeless.

Even though other Americans would see me as an absolutely disastrous failure, I feel... and much to their annoyance, Walk.. as if one of incredible wealth and stature, for the reason I spoke above. This is why I live in such gratitude for every single moment... and why I view with such enmity those who are wasteful, especially of food. If they have never starved, they cannot know how angry it makes me.

I am immensely soft and weak compared to some of my friends.. people who can stalk into the woods, on a whim, with nothing but the contents of their packs and emerge unscathed a month later... but still... I count every scrap of food a blessing... for I know that it truly is.

Thanks for being you. :)

Peace: As you wish.

We all need to find what works for us, I prefer being alone and doing things on my own time! There comes a give and take and its honestly more about choosing the set of problems you're willing to deal with over really this sense of one life is better than another!

Me too!

Its honestly more about choosing the set of problems you're willing to deal with over really this sense of one life is better than another!


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