Old Age and What of it?

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Have you ever felt that everything was just a dream? Somebody out there must have woken up to this strange feeling too. Perhaps, this is just one those ugly PMS days that comes with my age. I would just like to make an art out of my sleepless nights. You can choose if I'm too negative or too realistic for you. The mistake would be trying to make sense out of me and if I couldn't, why would you be any different? You see, one day I was a soldier crawling on the ground, fighting a hard battle of my own drunkenness, the next day I'm an old man preaching the word of God. Don't be fooled, I'm not as wise as I think I am. Probably just less dumb, worsened by my travels that opened the massive gates to the reality of the world. I am still trapped in this yin and yang.

When you travel time flies. I didn't take this 8-month-quick trip with a few stops in the fanciest places of the world as most of the young travelers do these days. Unknowingly flaunting their privileges in Thailand or some exotic parts of the world where people just pretend to smile so they can live off the golden currencies. You probably didn't know that. Mommy and daddy didn't probably teach you that you are not better than the rest or that most people actually have real-life problems. It sucks that I know these things. It sucks that now I understand the world a little bit and I would like to convince myself that it's one of the benefits of old age - knowing.

I was tired of my old life in the society and started living hard days in the unknown countries for years. Who would have thought that I would be capitalizing on my hardships on the road? I kind of shocked these travelers that I had plenty money and that not everyone here is as poor as they think. Well, I am. Sorry to play against your stereotypes. I am now bringing you stories that some I would rather not remember. I guess I have known too much about people, or not. That's the price of recognizing one's freedom early on, isn't it? Experiences taught me to become judgmental to save my precious time moaning about my petty feelings, like how I could recognize assholes within 5 meters. I could predict what they will say and how they will behave especially if they already have this tiny box of ideas about me. They do change, believe me. But I must admit their predictability bore me to death. No matter how good you are in seeing the good in people, come on, you still know what I'm talking about, don't you? Don't pretend that you are not judgmental as well, otherwise, you would not have stayed on your comfortable couch afraid of what people like me have to say. Afraid that I would box you in these stupid ideas I have carefully simmered. I'm not physically old, which kind of tricked people into believing that I'm too dumb. But I pose as a fool sometimes just not to offend some people. I know, I know, that's too arrogant and manipulative for me to do. So I'm probably not an old wise man traveling with a walking stick that could instantly turn into a weapon I thought I was. I'm just a little girl.

I'm not talking about knowledge or those things you learn from your school textbooks or too much of those political ideologies or engaging in trolling debate behind your computers. Naaaaaa, I don't argue anymore. Nobody argues with me anymore. These days, I recognize that time is more important for me. I don't waste my time trying to prove my point to people online or in real life. There's only temporary satisfaction that one could get from winning these stupid arguments, the other person will just boil a soup of hatred as they prepare to throw it on your face someday. People will take everything you say against you. I realized that this judgment also becomes a problem because the circle of those I like becomes narrower as I become older, as I get to know more about people.

An older friend I used to work with told me that someday my partner requirements would diminish. When I was young I used to say that I would like a handsome, charming, intelligent and kind man. Then my friend told me that someday, I would just like a man. Years later, I would like to prove her wrong. As I traveled, I realized that the source of all my endless misery on the road was my expectations from a man. I was alone on the road for a long time that I would just accept anyone who would show interest and a tiny bit of kindness. The problem was I put up with these men too much just because I didn't want to be alone anymore. I realized that it is important that my man thinks like me as well, that we have common ideas and perceptions of the world or that he could at least understand why I view the world this way. As I get older, I realized that I would prefer to be alone than be miserable with someone.

Recently, I try to go out and meet some people but it just leaves me feeling disappointed. Opening up disturbs my inner peace and equilibrium. I know it's my problem for not seeing through people, but at the same time, I don't want to put up with someone again just because I don't want to grow old alone. The pressure in this society increases, everyday love songs I accidentally hear outside try to brainwash me. Damn, even shit jobs here have age limits. Now, what would happen to those who didn't become power women or didn't get promoted in their corporate jobs? What would happen if I didn't make something out of my travels? My society would leave me on the road without a purpose, be frowned upon for being a cranky old lady instead of making babies and contributing to the growing population.

My thinking has become bulletproof and I could easily reject ideas that would not work for me, again one of those benefits of old age. Time forged my being and my requirements for someone have actually deepened, contrary to what my friend told me. There are men who would like to just fuck and dump me, and when you are old you also appreciate being the object of their desire still. However, I want more than sex and affection. My mind is an endless sky one tries so hard to understand, but sometimes, all you need to do is to look above and take it as it is. These days of my life, I constantly mix a bowl of words formulated from my thoughts and throw out the finished product into this world, letting you smell the aroma of my stories before it completely vanishes into thin air. What to make out of my years of existence? I might as well share the high drama of my life with those would like to benefit from my unearthed weaknesses. But there is only so much revealing one can do.

I guess I have stayed too long under this pond of existentialism. And in these murky waters of my past are formless creatures pulling me underneath. I'm slowly pulling you under too, constantly playing with your emotions with my words, words and more words. I will let you stay here during the rainy days as the water becomes dirtier and make you see what I have seen. It's dark and ugly. But, one day, I'll emerge from the mysterious deep like a Goddess full of wisdom, then everything becomes just a dream within a dream.


530 AM here and the Chi has my stomach in knots infuriated with Sam Harris's talk in a L.A. church. 35,000 scientists just came out and told humanity that liberalism is a failure (10 billion doing whatever they want whenever they want), yet Harris and the priest reveled in their liberalism...
Harris's brand of Buddhism may not be accurate either and it's not beyond the realm of possibility that a few Bodhisattva​'s with rainbow bodies will one day convince him that his reductionism is in error.
Should I rant further on this issue, diabolika, or will my ranting get me killed?
Would it be that we could turn to conservatism but that path has been hi-jacked by fetishism of Israel....
One of your better posts! Thank-you...Me and misery:)

You are safe where you are, I think... and you may continue your rant.

I miss your comments.

Yes, it's cozy here despite my fractured psyche. Work, age, and November has limited my energy supplies...It's like physical​ anomie this low-pressure​e​ syndrome although mentally I'm fine...
It's quite rare and strange but I have run into a handful of others who've described​ the same symptoms so there is no way I'm imagining it--the physical symptons are too acute and evaporate once the high-pressure kicks in...
You're kind to say so:)

Awww I'm also glad to hear you are mentally fine. I think I'm not lol.

I won't try and make sense out of you:)

You are so arrogant! Lol jk.

What a wonderful read. I can feel your wisdom growing from here and you are far wiser than most. Your mind may be a bit frightening but it is also deep and clear.

I am not necessarily a believer in soul mates or souls for that matter but...
I was engaged twice to 2 women who both really really hurt me. I am glad i went through it. After that i couldnt stand the thought of not being single. I loved it, such freedom. I love solitude, it is my favorite place. But low and behold i met someone who also didnt want a relationship and weeks turned to months and then years and now my wife whom i love. We love each other and its so easy and nice. Maybe soulmates after all.

What i will say is it seems to happen when were not looking and a personality/person maybe youve never thought about will show up.

Either way from your words and pics you are beautiful. And if a old single lady is what youll become just remember to howl at the stars with your freedom.

Ty for ya post, cheers

Ps.... have you ever thought of writing a book? I think youd be very good...

I might compile my travel stories here...

Ive heard ebooks can be good. Either way you have my support. :)

Kindle...Has good setup For Writers......

Thank You Kindly

Your posts are getting more & more dynamic.
I agree change is good.....and the mysteries of the world await us all.

Nice post (again). Looking forward to your next.

What a great read as I head out to my shithole job in big box retail lol. I will have these great words to ponder as I fake smile my way through the day lolol. Thanks :D

Thank you. Take care!

This comment cheered my day :D ty. Hope your day goes well

I have the same feelings as you ... don’t know if we are both fucked or just need a new perspective . You write well .

As I get older I become more solipsistic. And then, randomly, I interact with a real person in the real world that reminds me that you aren't all figments of my imagination. To be honest, it's quite a rude awakening.

Quite a rude awakening yeah. I prefer my dreamstate too, but when I go out there I put everyone under my illusion. Quite disappointing when I see the real them...

Great writing as usual and uh, welcome to the Matrix?

Thank you!

to be Honest ...Most I skim read as i already Know ...you see....it is as such ....no mater the moment, the past prepares the future ,that happens in the present............Mysteries in life are wonders we shall perform.......and to top it off .........remember this...."I'd rather be crazy and hold someones hand , Than hold my Own"...as well.... Words fall upon deaf ears ...silenced....as the body is searched within by the seeker of truth.

Thank You Kindly

Then you should travel more and see how the world really is....

Universal Travel is InDeeD a Beautiful thing

Thank You Kindly

Then you know you will hold your own hand than be beaten to death. You'll never know how you'll be if you really have been out there. Comfort zone is a beautiful thing. Stay where you are.

Holding your own hand is holding someones ...you know this I'm sure

Thank You Kindly

So go f*ck youtself isn't an insult but a sincere wish you have a pleasant evening? Sorry mate, couldn't resist. :) Arohanui.

It's a 4 letter word you speak to your inner self

Thank you kindly

Awesome work fraind...

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