Small but mighty-your tongue,my tongue.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

The tongue is a “small part of the body”
In literate societies, tongues include hands that write, type, paint, or sign.

Our brains are very active. Research
indicates that we think 70,000 thoughts daily on the average. How true is this? I don't know but I am intrigued by this; so I decided to try an experiment on myself. In our comfy recliner, all alone, the house was quiet. In that silence, I purposefully tried to sit without engaging my mind.

I soon realized plenty of thoughts were runing through my mind"What was I going to do today? Where should i go to today? Oh, I had to do laundry, I need to write something." I think you get the picture?. My mind was racing—and my thoughts were full of words both negative and positive.

The words you speak will all depend on what’s filling your heart. Do you agree?
But a loving heart produces a gracious tongue. A faithful heart produces a truthful tongue. A peaceful heart produces a reconciling tongue. A trusting heart produces an encouraging tongue.

Your tongues my tongue can be weapons of mass destruction, launching holocausts and wars. Tongues can also be the death of families, friendships,hopes...permit me to give this example,some years back my team and another team(a junior team) were playing football together but Unfortunately they lead us by 3goals to nil,what could have happened I said,we had a complete team,best defense, best7, we were all in form that very day but luckily I remembered what my team goalkeeper said "we can't win this" but I never took it serious-the power of his tongue lead to our defeat that day but I told him say something good about the second leg which he did...we won.

Be a person whose mouth is full of life.A lot is at stake in what we say today. Only speak what you wish to be brought into existence because death and life are the power of the tongue.

        Thanks for reading



words are like broken eggs. once spoken can never be withdrawn

Yes my it has been relizd u can get it back

Words can break down, and words can build. I fear the tongue more than any other part of the human body

Thanks for adding more...gracia

Just like they say that the pen is mightier than the sword, so also is the tongue

Exertly boss...thqnks fi stoppin by

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