The pioneer region of Aragon and its environmental education through a map of facilities for the preservation of the environment.

in Project HOPE3 years ago
Written by:Diomer Antonio Galán Rincón.
Bachelor's Degree.Public Accounting / MSc.Science of Higher Education.

Image taken from: Pixabay

Every day the news about the efforts to have a better environment and self-sustainable spaces become more daily, this time it is about the realization of an interactive map with all the facilities that develop as programs and activities related to environmental education or the dissemination of heritage in the town of Aragon Spain.

This initiative is an Aragonese Strategy for Environmental Education, which is nothing more than a tool that is part of the new and revolutionary digital platform called Horizon 2030 (EAREA-2030), which will make Aragon the pioneer of the autonomous communities that will have a mapping of this type.

The main objective is to be able to count with sites of environmental interest and that map is being continuously updated for the enjoyment of people interested in the preservation of the environment. At the moment there are 484 facilities, distributed throughout the Aragonese province.

Image taken from:Pixabay

It is important to mention that there are spaces such as nature classrooms or farm schools, museums, interpretation centers, ENP information points, resource, training and research centers, infrastructure of environmental services and routes and sites of interest.

The general director of Climate Change and Environmental Education of the Government of Aragón, Marta de Santos, explained that this tool was created as a digital reference center for environmental education in the autonomous community, "becoming a powerful channel for dissemination and two-way communication, in real time, for all those with an interest in the subject".

He also pointed out that this initiative was created with the intention of promoting the sensitization and awareness of the citizenship, starting with Aragonese, but that it can be expanded to all parts of the world, since it must be achieved and conscious and critical participation in the processes of industries and decision making related to environmental problems.

Image taken from:Pixabay

With this reciprocity, the web seeks to feed from the information contributions made by individuals or companies, who can send the updates they deem appropriate to nourish the map.

On the platform you can get resources of environmental materials of different themes and formats, as well as multimedia documentaries, with links to download useful information to develop or carry out an activity on information, awareness or environmental education.

There is also a news section with up-to-date information on events such as workshops, seminars, courses, exhibitions, etc., which may be useful for people or professionals related to the environment and environmental education.

Image taken from:Pixabay

To conclude, it is important to highlight these initiatives that have the town of Aragonese to join efforts in the conservation and preservation of the environment and create a sustainable environmental culture, so important and necessary in these days, so that we can leave a less polluted planet for our future generations.

I hope you like my article and I would appreciate all your comments.

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hello @dgalan,
getting people to become sensitive to environmental issues is not easy to achieve, because for some reason they believe that the planet will heal itself, I am very glad that they are promoting respect for the planet, because if we do not take concrete actions we will not have a planet for a long time, I hope this initiative is successful and can be expanded to countries like Venezuela where the environment is being destroyed by illegal mining.

Greetings @ trabajosdelsiglo
These initiatives are very important for the whole world, as we are losing awareness of the preservation of the environment for the future of the new generation.
Thank you very much for commenting.

Hi @dgalan

What you mention in your publication "this initiative was created with the intention of promoting awareness and awareness of citizenship, starting with Aragonese, but that can be expanded to all parts of the world", is something that should be generalised as an example in all corners of the world, this in order to solve environmental problems.

Best regards, be well.

greetings @ lupafilotaxia. I share your opinion, it is very important that these initiatives are replicated in all parts of the world to show these big companies that there are people and organizations interested in the conservation of the planet, and make them see the damage they do to the planet to change their modes of production.
thank you very much for commenting

Greetings friend @dgalan, very interesting the topic that you share in this opportunity with us, especially because it is directed to the conservation of the environment, it is very good this initiative that you mention.

The main objective is to be able to have places of environmental interest and that map is being continuously updated for the enjoyment of people interested in environmental conservation. At the moment there are 484 facilities, distributed all over the Aragonese province.

No matter how much wealth a person or a group of people can accumulate, if the environment of the world we live in is destroyed, we will have no place to live.

greetings @chucho27. Undoubtedly to have spaces for healthy enjoyment and family recreation in very internaste, what it is about showing with the map is to include all possible spaces and contribute, so we will be recovering more spaces for conservation and contributing to the environment.
thank you very much for your comment

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