Corporate communication as an impact on the organizational process

in Project HOPE3 years ago
Written by:Diomer Antonio Galán Rincón.
Bachelor's Degree.Public Accounting / MSc.Science of Higher Education.


Corporate communication is the institutional way in which the members of an organization address the people or groups of the social environment, towards which they direct their activities. In this sense, it represents an essential condition for the fulfillment of quality relations between the institution and the public with whom it interacts, acquiring a social notoriety and public image appropriate to its aims and purposes.

Image taken from:Pixabay

It should be noted that corporate communication is part of the social commitment of companies; that is, to inform their real situation to different audiences, both internal and external, and to public opinion in general. Therefore, we also say that social responsibility is a fundamental element in the construction of identity and corporate image of organizations, which is why it is a fundamental variable in the development of intangible assets and points to the reputation and trust of organizations to promote their business objectives.

In this order of ideas, it is highlighted that organizations need corporate communication to face the challenges of a changing environment, promoting strategies to attract the most appropriate services, applying communicational tools to project the identity, the values defended by the institution, the message it transmits, the way it does it and its purpose before society.

These strategic tools for the organization represent a competitive advantage over its competitors. It is therefore, in general terms, a set of messages and information transmitted by companies to their target public.

Image taken from:Pixabay

It should be noted that communication is a key aspect for the organizational process carried out by the company, it can be defined as a process through which information is transmitted and received in a social group; therefore it consists of 3 basic elements:

1.-The sender: It is the genesis where the information originates.

2.-Transmitter: It is where the communication flows.

3.-Receiver: It is the one who perceives and must know the information.

Any slightest failure in this communication network implies that the information is distorted.

Therefore, communication is used to distribute the tasks among the members of the work team, to establish and recognize the necessary relationships and links, the direction by the members of the team to carry out the tasks established for each activity, and finally the control of the activities so that they adjust as correctly as possible to what was planned.

I hope you like my article and I would appreciate all your comments.

bibliography consulted:

1.- Isea (2009). Corporate communication in the management of social responsibility in state-owned oil companies. Rafael Belloso Chacín University. Maracaibo - Venezuela.

2.- Pizzolante (2011). Corporate communication as a business strategy. Editorial Grillo Mexico.

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