How NEO investors will make a fortune of $ 42 million

in #blockchain6 years ago

Investors NEO began to participate in the second stage of large-scale distribution of coins, which are estimated at more than $ 42 million. Users of the Chinese platform that keep popular crypto currency at least from March 1, in total will receive 10 million tokens from the Ontology project, where the ratio between coins is 1 NEO to 0.1 ONT. Airdrop is carried out as a reward for "appropriate cooperation and support from the NEO community".

This was announced back in February 2018, when NEO Global Development (NGD) announced the first airdrop from Ontology:

"To support joint activities, the project transfers the number of ONT tokens that the NEO Council should manage. He, in turn, announces that the transferred tokens of 20 million ONTs are part of a donation from the Ontology team to the NEO Council. Delivery of the first ONT tokens will be completed within a few weeks after March 1. The blocked half (0.1 ONT to NEO) will be broadcast on the Ontology MainNet channel. It is expected that the MainNet ontology will be released in the second quarter of 2018, a certain date depends on how the Ontology test network works, "the report said.

Then the whole process went according to plan and without any failures. This interconnection of projects is conditioned by a single ecosystem, because NEO was originally launched by entrepreneur Da Honfei in 2014 through his organization Onchain, which being the parent company on the first airdrop on March 8 distributed ONT tokens.

That is, the new development platform was created by the same development team that designed the NEO block system. Initially, the community reacted ambiguously to the emergence of Ontology and suggested that ONT would become a competitor to NEO. But these fears were not confirmed, as the newer project of Honfei has a different nature and is intended for large business.

"ONT tokens were created for the functioning of Ontology's new blockbuster platform - a way of communication between various blockhouses and databases. The platform allows developers to create decentralized applications, "says the project website.

Block structure Ontology

According to the developers, Ontology aims to unite the blockbuster with the real economy, where the whole structure is built on trust management and digital user identification. As the target address of the service, the macro business is selected, which, on the basis of Ontology, can create individual projects. One can distinguish some of the features and highlights of Ontology 1.0: SmartX is an intellectual contract tool that is used to compile, deploy, and call intellectual contracts, and node security is achieved through partnerships with well-known security companies NCC Group, Baimaohui and Slowmist.

The ONT network consists of three levels, each of which has the ability to design their own applications. The levels depend on the complexity of the design architecture. So, at the first stage, simple blockhouses are created, which are combined with other block chains. At the second level, thanks to ready-made protocols, you can develop your own decentralized applications (DApps). At the third top level of the network, the most complex programs from the technical point of view are created.

Structure of Ontology.

The project uses the dBFT (Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance) consensus algorithm, the modified standard of the PoS protocol (Proof-of-Stake), where the actions for the network are answered by delegated users, which are selected by a general vote. The advantage of Ontology is that the project for its customers can provide the algorithm that companies need.

Device peering cooperation in the network of trust Ontology.

Popularity ONT

Token ONT immediately gained the confidence of investors even without ICO, as, as it was said above, the distribution of coins is carried out through users of NEO. The total emission is limited to 1 billion, at the moment 151,292,175 ONT are realized. In April 2018, after the appearance on the Bitfinex Exchange, the token rate was $ 1.4, and after listing on the Binance ONT it rose to $ 2. In a few weeks the rate increased 4-fold, and at the end of May the project's capitalization grew to $ 4 billion. The peak of value was noted at $ 10, but after the June negative events, which led to a fall in the rate of major currencies, ONT began to sell for $ 8 or less.

Dynamics of the ONT course. On July 10, the value of the token is about $ 4.
Probably, this interest in currency is due to the fact that the parent company Onchain has proved itself quite well in the industry and cooperates with such giants as Microsoft and Alibaba. Experienced developers are responsible for the project. But there are some nuances that raise questions about the safety and security of data privacy, because Ontology is a project with private funding. In addition, critics doubt the revolutionary nature of the idea and its perception in an entrepreneurial environment where businessmen are accustomed to working on long-established technologies.

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