Dog Sadism Be Baited by Crocodiles in Belinyu, Bangka Belitung.

in #steemit6 years ago


A group of teenagers giggled like donkeys while watching a friend from them throw a dog into a crocodile bait. Yes, without mercy, the innocent dog was made into a crocodile meal.

The video of the dog used as a crocodile bait was first distributed by a Facebook user named Ari Pangkalpinanh, it is not clear Ari's position here is just sharing a video or is he a friend of the perpetrator.

The incident occurred in a lake located in Belinyu, Bangka Regency, Province of Bangka Belitung Islands. In the 36-second video recording, a teenager carrying a sack turned out to contain a puppy. The puppy's neck then dragged, and the puppy whimpered asking for mercy to be released.


And straightforwardly his body was thrown into the lake. Poor little dog had a chance to swim to save his life, but not long after that a giant crocodile immediately annexed the poor dog, suddenly a loud voice was heard by the youths commenting on the events they considered exciting.


It is known for sure whether the act of throwing a dog to be used as a crocodile bait was first done or maybe it has been done several times, because since Belinyu's teenage video threw a dog so the crocodile meal was widely criticized by animal lovers, Facebook Aru Pangkalpinanh posts were immediately deleted. Luckily, still keeps the video. Let us pray that the Police will immediately investigate cases of teenagers from Belinyu Bangka Belitung who can make dogs as bait for these crocodiles.

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