This is the Essential Part!

in #determine6 years ago

Discipline is so important.

Discipline is honestly what has changed my life and what I know can change many other lives as well.

About 7 years ago I added the discipline of daily workouts to my life.

It was a hard discipline for me to undertake, especially because I was both overweight and extremely lazy.

And when I say lazy, I mean... Lazy beyond belief.

I would spend nearly ALL my time in my house and would barely leave it.

A part of it was body image and a major part of it was just that I felt like shit all the time.

Working out was terrible at first..

It was so hard and so frustrating and so embarrassing... I just hated that feeling that people were looking at me and judging me for what I looked like.

In reality, there was so much to learn and so much room to improve.

Over time, I educated myself about fitness and nutrition... I became obsessed with the knowledge that you could have about this stuff and I began to love going to the gym.

Fast forward 7 years and now my greatest addiction is working out. I get intoxicated at the mere sight of the gym.

I love that I started this 7 years ago and I wouldn't trade lifting in for anything else! It will be a staple in my life forever.

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