Daily horoscope for the day Sep 18, 2022

in #horoscope2 years ago

Sep 18, 2022



Mar 21 - Apr 20

  • Mood: Quiet
  • Lucky Time: 4pm
  • Description: The urge to keep a piece of yourself secret just took over -- which doesn't mean you've never had that urge before, but you've never given into it so completely. It's okay. You're entitled to privacy.
  • Lucky Color: Rose Pink
  • Sign Compatability: Sagittarius
  • Lucky Number: 23



Apr 21 - May 20

  • Mood: Collaborative
  • Lucky Time: 6am
  • Description: Recent changes will definitely take some getting used to, but that doesn't mean they won't work. Just give them some time -- and be ready to cooperate with the universe.
  • Lucky Color: Shadow Black
  • Sign Compatability: Cancer
  • Lucky Number: 21



May 21 - Jun 21

  • Mood: Thoughtful
  • Lucky Time: 1am
  • Description: Going to offer free counseling services and a soft shoulder to cry on? Well, you can't hide from an obligation any longer. Deal with it and move on.
  • Lucky Color: Orchid
  • Sign Compatability: Libra
  • Lucky Number: 23



Jun 22 - Jul 22

  • Mood: Sweet
  • Lucky Time: 10am
  • Description: Isn't love grand? If you're not already convinced, you will be soon. This is love of the intense, passionate kind. Although sometimes you really should be concentrating on work. Think priorities.
  • Lucky Color: Gold
  • Sign Compatability: Gemini
  • Lucky Number: 50



Jul 23 - Aug 22

  • Mood: Attractive
  • Lucky Time: 2am
  • Description: Feel as if you're surrounded by adoring fans? Well, you are. This is different than usual, though. These adoring fans aren't only after you for your charm. This batch is interested in your smarts. Nice, huh?
  • Lucky Color: Rose Pink
  • Sign Compatability: Scorpio
  • Lucky Number: 61



Aug 23 - Sep 22

  • Mood: Joyful
  • Lucky Time: 6am
  • Description: As of this evening, nothing much outside of being with the person you adore will matter. Not that it was any different yesterday -- but now it will be all consuming. Enjoy it. This kind of thing doesn't happen often.
  • Lucky Color: Red
  • Sign Compatability: Aries
  • Lucky Number: 40



Sep 23 - Oct 22

  • Mood: Aggressive
  • Lucky Time: 9pm
  • Description: You've spent enough time on intrigue -- and other people's problems. It's time for you to think about what's really important to you. Once you figure it out -- and it won't take long -- get busy making it happen.
  • Lucky Color: Spring Green
  • Sign Compatability: Cancer
  • Lucky Number: 18



Oct 23 - Nov 22

  • Mood: Brave
  • Lucky Time: 11am
  • Description: You're feeling like it's time to take a risk -- and you're not afraid to make it a great big one. Good. Just be sure that any move you make is calculated -- and that the odds are definitely in your favor.
  • Lucky Color: Silver
  • Sign Compatability: Aquarius
  • Lucky Number: 63



Nov 23 - Dec 21

  • Mood: Charming
  • Lucky Time: 7pm
  • Description: Someone you work with is sending out some very direct signals that there's something going on, and you need to know about it. Pull them aside and ask for details. Enough with the games. You need facts.
  • Lucky Color: Gold
  • Sign Compatability: Aquarius
  • Lucky Number: 91



Dec 22 - Jan 19

  • Mood: Stressed
  • Lucky Time: 7pm
  • Description: There's just too darned many rules -- and too many authority figures to enforce them. If you didn't already feel that way, you will now. Even those you'd thought of as okay will suddenly seem overly restrictive. Practice patience.
  • Lucky Color: Teal
  • Sign Compatability: Sagittarius
  • Lucky Number: 31



Jan 20 - Feb 18

  • Mood: Energetic
  • Lucky Time: 6pm
  • Description: Aren't you glad you had fun last night? Bet you're not in the mood to do anything but the old 'nose-to-the-grindstone' stuff now, huh? Well, that's fine. If you can save some energy for tonight, however, someone would appreciate it.
  • Lucky Color: Rose Pink
  • Sign Compatability: Virgo
  • Lucky Number: 52



Feb 19 - Mar 20

  • Mood: Fun
  • Lucky Time: 1pm
  • Description: Did you enjoy your day off yesterday? Your day off from worrying about what might escape from your lips before you got a chance to think about it? Well, good. Because today -- well, today is up for grabs.
  • Lucky Color: Red
  • Sign Compatability: Aquarius
  • Lucky Number: 51

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