Call to Action with the #BBB for #VerifiedAccounts on #Twitter @Verified & #Facebook

in #facebook7 years ago

#VERIFIED CALL TO ACTION: Get Involved to put TWITTER & FACEBOOK on notice. Either Enter a Review or File a Complaint Against Twitter and Facebook now. We have filed complaints against both Twitter and Facebook with the Better Business Bureau for the discriminatory distribution of the verified checkmarks and providing an unfair playing field which favors Big Business over Small Business. We believe this is an unethical practice which should be corrected. We believe these acts constitute discrimination and should be in the form of a civil rights complaint. We believe these acts to be a crime and given the scope of this continuing criminal activity we believe that it is part of a much broader criminal racketeering effort. GO TO THE B.B.B. WEBSITE NOW TO GET STARTED:

TWITTER: Do You Agree that Twitter @verified is unethically performing it's service, Enter a Review or File a Complaint against @Twitter on the @bbb_us website. #Twitter is NOT a B.B.B. Accredited Business.

Enter a Review or File a Complaint Against Twitter Here:

OUR ACTION AGAINST @TWITTER with Complaint filed with the Better Business Bureau on 2/26/18 as follows: We, Richard and Tatiana of Design's the Limit, believe Twitter's business practices including granting large businesses the verified account checkmark while denying small business the opportunity to compete on a level playing field is a violation of the ethical business practices which the B.B.B. embodies. We hope that our effort will provide us with a verified checkmark, but also assist other companies and individuals who seek one with access. We have been in business for over six years selling on Etsy, Ebay, Amazon, our own website, locally, and on other e-commerce platforms. We have a business license issued in the city of Virginia Beach, we are a registed LLC in the Commonwealth of Virginia, we have registered and received a trademark for our company name with the USPTO, we are Members of the Virginia Glass Guild of glass artists in Hampton Roads Virginia, we are in the top 1% of all Etsy sellers in the world, and we are B.B.B. Accredited with an A+ rating. We will be happy to submit the information and documentation required to complete the verification process and look forward to working with the B.B.B. to determine the ethical nature of the verification process at Twitter. If the verification process is in place to support large businesses over small businesses, we believe it should be taken into consideration on Twitter's B.B.B. rating. LINK:

FACEBOOK: Do You Agree that Facebook @verified is unethically performing it's service, Enter a Review or File a Complaint against @Facebook on the @bbb_us website. #Facebook is a B.B.B. Accredited Business in Good Standing & has taken the pledge towards #BBBArbitration

Enter a Review or File a Complaint Against Facebook Here:

OUR ACTION AGAINST @FACEBOOK with Complaint filed with the Better Business Bureau on 2/26/18 as follows: We, Richard and Tatiana of Design's the Limit, believe Facebook's business practices including granting large businesses the verified account checkmark while denying small business the opportunity to compete on a level playing field is a violation of the ethical business practices which the B.B.B. embodies. We hope that our effort will provide us with a verified checkmark, but also assist other companies and individuals who seek one with access. We have been in business for over six years selling on Etsy, Ebay, Amazon, our own website, locally, and on other e-commerce platforms. We have a business license issued in the city of Virginia Beach, we are a registed LLC in the Commonwealth of Virginia, we have registered and received a trademark for our company name with the USPTO, we are Members of the Virginia Glass Guild of glass artists in Hampton Roads Virginia, we are in the top 1% of all Etsy sellers in the world, and we are B.B.B. Accredited with an A+ rating. We will be happy to submit the information and documentation required to complete the verification process and look forward to working with the B.B.B. to determine the ethical nature of the verification process at Facebook. If the verification process is in place to support large businesses over small businesses, we believe it should be taken into consideration on Facebook's B.B.B. rating. LINK:

THE BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU: Before filing a complaint with BBB you should contact the business at least once to give them an opportunity to resolve the issue. However, you are not required to contact the business first. If the issue cannot be resolved directly with the business, then you may file a complaint with the BBB

CRIMINAL CHARGES: The denial of the verified checkmark is a criminal act, but received the following response from the BBB: "The BBB does not handle complaints regarding criminal acts. Please contact your local police department."

CIVIL RIGHTS ISSUES: The denial of the verified checkmark is discriminatory, but received the following response from the BBB: "The BBB does not handle discrimination complaints, please contact:

Commission on Civil Rights
624 9th St., NW
Washington, DC 20425
1-800-552-6843 (Complaint Referrals)
[email protected]

DESIGN'S THE LIMIT: We have been in business for over six years selling on Etsy, Ebay, Amazon, our own website, locally, and on other e-commerce platforms and creating art in our local market. We have a business license issued in the city of Virginia Beach, we are a registered LLC in the Commonwealth of Virginia, we have received a trademark for our company name with the USPTO, we are Members of the Virginia Glass Guild of glass artists in Hampton Roads Virginia, we are in the top 1% of all Etsy sellers in the world, and we are B.B.B. Accredited with an A+ rating. We will be happy to submit the information and documentation required to complete the verification process.



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EMAIL: [email protected]


Upvoted ☝ Have a great day!

UPDATE: We have not received a response from the B.B.B. or Twitter, but have filed a B.B.B. review of Twitter on March 6th, 2018 as follows:

We believe that the favoritism extended to large businesses over small businesses regarding the assignment of verified checkmarks on Twitter should be taken into consideration when assigning their B.B.B. rating. Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter @jack recently in the news asking for ‘help’ with platform’s health and by his own omission states:“We aren’t proud of how people have taken advantage of our service, or our inability to address it fast enough,” Dorsey tweeted. Twitter has been accused of “apathy, censorship, political bias optimizing it's business for share price instead of the concerns of society and Jack has stated his desire for reform as follows: “This is not who we are now or who we ever want to be,” Dorsey said. (reference the Guardian March 1st, 2018). Our recommendation to Jack would be to become a B.B.B. Accredited Business and work with the B.B.B. accepting the Better Business Bureau's Accreditation methods and agreeing to the ethical guidelines, arbitration, and responsibilities which a B.B.B. Accredited Business envisions to improve his platform and customer experience by granting checkmarks to all B.B.B. Accredited Businesses and other businesses which receive a favorable rating from the B.B.B. Regarding the Better Business Bureau's involvement in this issue, we understand that Twitter is not a B.B.B. Accredited Business, but if arbitration of complaints against Twitter may not be successfully reached through the B.B.B, we request the complaint be properly filed against them on their B.B.B. profile and recommend that their policies be taken into greater consideration when assigning their rating. Given the negative press they have received and their public statements as the inadequacy of their management, we believe that the B.B.B. rating of A- for Twitter as an organization is inflated and reflects poorly on the B.B.B. and all B.B.B. Accredited businesses. As a B.B.B. Accredited business owner, I have less pride and respect for the B.B.B. researching Twitter as a company and their profile on this platform.

and we filed the following review about Facebook with the B.B.B. "We, Richard and Tatiana of Design's the Limit, believe Facebook's business practices including granting large businesses the verified account checkmark while denying small business the opportunity to compete on a level playing field is a violation of the ethical business practices which the B.B.B. embodies. We hope that our effort will provide us with a verified checkmark, but also assist other companies and individuals who seek one with access. We have been in business for over six years selling on Etsy, Ebay, Amazon, our own website, locally, and on other e-commerce platforms. We have a business license issued in the city of Virginia Beach, we are a registed LLC in the Commonwealth of Virginia, we have registered and received a trademark for our company name with the USPTO, we are Members of the Virginia Glass Guild of glass artists in Hampton Roads Virginia, we are in the top 1% of all Etsy sellers in the world, and we are B.B.B. Accredited with an A+ rating. We will be happy to submit the information and documentation required to complete the verification process and look forward to working with the B.B.B. to determine the ethical nature of the verification process at Facebook. If the verification process is in place to support large businesses over small businesses, we believe it should be taken into consideration on Facebook's B.B.B. rating. In addition, we have tried on numerous occasions and using various methods to contact Facebook to have another page which is using our Trademarked name and our logo without our permission and have been unable to receive a response or correction. We believe their customer service, policies, and procedures should negatively affect their B.B.B. rating and the fact that they are A+ rating reflects negatively on the B.B.B. and other accredited businesses such as our own. As an owner of an A+ rated B.B.B. Accredited business, I take less pride in our business score as a result of Facebook's score given our experience, the large number of negative reviews, and the volume of complaints against them which remain unresolved. As Facebook is a B.B.B. Accredited business, shouldn't it fulfill it's oath the B.B.B. and arbitrate these complaints in a more timely and ethical manner. "

Finally received a response from Facebook today in reference to our Better Business Bureau complaint ID 12706976 about the page which has been impersonating us. They have stated that the page has been removed, but it has not been removed it has only been moved.



Thanks for reaching out to Facebook through the BBB. We've reviewed your report and it looks like the impostor account you're reported has been removed and this is no longer an issue. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.


The Facebook Team

However, Facebook has only removed the page from a search for pages and it is still on Facebook under places and can be located by direct search at

and they still haven't addressed our request for a verified checkmark.

Sent to the B.B.B.

Thank you for following up and we appreciate your assistance with our claim. We were initially pleased to hear that the imposter page which we have endeavored to report for so long had been addressed. When searching to verify the validity however, we have still been able to locate the page and it has not been removed as Facebook has indicated. Facebook is an A+ rated accredited business with the Better Business Bureau, but our experience attempting to resolve issues directly and using B.B.B. arbitration in a timely manner has not been representative of our expectations of a business which has received this level of approbation. Regardless of the eventual outcome of our disputes as we continue to endeavor to have the imposter page removed and our verification completed, we ask that the Better Business Bureau review our case including both of the complaints we have reported and evaluate the discrepancies between policy and practice at Facebook for the Better Business Bureau's rating of Facebook as a business it believes embodies the best ethical practices that a consumer should expect.

The impersonating page we are disputing, created in 2014, has been using our trademarked name, logo, and images without permission and regardless of our attempts to inform Facebook requesting intervention on our behalf. We have reported the issue on multiple occasions both on Facebook and through email attempts before contacting the Better Business Bureau. Although we are able to receive a response by using B.B.B. arbitration, we request that the necessity of receiving B.B.B. assistance in combination with the amount of time the issue has remained unresolved, given that Facebook has at this time conceded to be a violation of their policies and they have been informed of this information on previous occasions, should be included in the Better Business Bureau deliberation of Facebook's B.B.B. rating in the future. We would like to have our negative review and our negative experience publicly known and recorded against the performance of Facebook in opposition to there stated policies regarding intellectual property.

As Facebook is an accredited business, we request the B.B.B. arbitrate and come to a judgment as to the ethical nature of the verification process to determine if the assignment of verified accounts is being administered according to the standards that an accredited business in good standing should follow. The ethical guidelines and agreement to enter arbitration by the Better Business Bureau being the foundation of the trust that accreditation embodies, we request that an unsuccessful resolution to our complaint should directly impact Facebook's rating with the Better Business Bureau. We propose that any business which is a B.B.B. accredited business in good standing and with a sufficient rating should be able to obtain a verified checkmark. If Facebook values the accreditation and rating system employed by the Better Business Bureau, can they provide a sufficient supplementary reason for denying a B.B.B. accredited business in good standing with a verification checkmark on their platform. We are prepared to provide as much additional documentation or other information requested as we have available to receive a successful resolution and to keep the Better Business Bureau informed of our negative experiences with Facebook, Inc. so that it may be fully understood and be able to guide the Better Business Bureau in their determination and efforts to make sure that a business is rated independently from their decision to become accredited. Please let us know what information you need to assist us and yourself in ensuring the assignment of an A+ rating for a business which has gained a large negative following is envisioning the highest ethical standards associated with a Better Business Bureau accredited business so that the rating assigned to them does not undermine the respect of the B.B.B. diminish the value of the rating system in the estimation of the general public. At this time, we have the highest respect for the B.B.B. rating system and businesses which elect to become accredited and we aspire to never have reason to doubt either.

We look forward to a response and successful resolution to our case issues with Facebook thanks to the assistance of the Better Business Bureau and will follow through on additional responses and recommendations as we move forward. If a successful resolution to both of the issues included in our complaint are not achieved, we will pursue it until we receive a successful resolution. In addition to the outcome of either or both of the complaint issues we have initiated, we request that our case be examined and the actions of Facebook be weighed when determining the B.B.B. rating of Facebook, Inc.

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