Satoshi Nakamoto has been a billionaire since 2013/Satoshi Nakamoto ist seit 2013 Milliardär

in #deutsch3 years ago

Früher oder später entsteht um jedes Tauschmittel ein Kult. Bitcoin ist da keine Ausnahme.

Mein abtauschen hat den Bitcoinkurs entfesselt, der Bitcoinkurs geriet ausser Konzrolle.

Das vertrauen in Banken bröckelt immer mehr. Somot wächste das Interesse nach neuen Währungssystemen.

Worin liegt noch der Sinn Steuern zu bezahlen wenn Staaten undemokratisch(ohne den Bürger zu fragen) Geld erschaffen können?

Durch die verknappung von Bitcoin aller 4 Jahre, ist die wahrscheinlichkeit hoch, dass der Wert steigt. Anstatt bei Fiatwährungen der Wert sinkt.

Ich habe Bitcoin nicht geschaffen damit ihr Millionäre werdet! Ich habe eine Demokratische Währung erschaffen!

2017 explodierte die Nachfrage nach neuen Währungssystemen...


Sooner or later every medium of exchange becomes a cult. Bitcoin is no exception.

My exchange unleashed the bitcoin rate, the bitcoin rate got out of control.

Trust in banks is crumbling more and more. As a result, interest in new currency systems is growing.

What is the point of paying taxes if states can create money undemocratically (without asking the citizen)?

Due to the shortage of Bitcoin every 4 years, the probability is high that the value will increase. Instead of fiat currencies, the value goes down.

I didn't create Bitcoin to make you millionaires! I created a democratic currency!

In 2017 the demand for new currency systems exploded ...


The BTC emerged as an independent and decentralized currency, so that the majority would benefit from it, especially in isolated parts and thus have a means of payment. But the reality is not this, since if we talk about the mining of this currency, it is controlled by a small group of people worldwide, while another small group (with a lot of money) make the prices go up and down at will through speculative movements.

I agree with you 100%.

small groups of people control Bitcoin and the major cryptocurrencies.

I believe in the conspiracy theory that the FREEMASONS/ Freimaurer might have something to do with it.


Those who collected bitcoin a few years ago are now billionaires. What do you mean by democratic currency?

our current monetary system is definitely not democratic, every citizen is obliged to use the national currency. and the central banks can inflate the money supply as they please

In the case of Bitcoin, miners and node operators must agree to more than 50% of the bitcoin code being changed.

if I don't like the changes then I can switch to another currency.

In Germany I can at least pay with any currency I want. I only have to pay taxes in euros

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La política monetaria de Bitcoin está programada para ser deflacionaria con el tiempo.

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