Corona is the booster for cryptocurrencies/Corona ist der Booster für Kryptowährungen

in #deutsch3 years ago

In diesem Jahr wurde so viel Geld in Kryptowährungen investiert wie in allen vorherigen Jahren zusammengerechnet. Trotz der Corona-Pandemie wittern Investoren gute Geschäfte in diesem Bereich.

Risikokapitalfonds haben im Jahr 2021 rund 30 Milliarden US-Dollar in Kryptowährungen investiert. Das ist mehr als in allen vorherigen Jahren seit der Einführung von Kryptowährungen zusammengerechnet, wie das Marktforschungsunternehmen PitchBook unter Berufung auf Transaktionsdaten berichtete.

Aus den Daten geht hervor, dass Firmen, die im Bereich der Kryptowährungen aktiv sind, in diesem Jahr durch 1.217 unterschiedliche Transaktionen weltweit 33,7 Milliarden US-Dollar erwirtschafteten. Dies entspricht fast dem Vierfachen des bisherigen Jahresrekords von acht Milliarden US-Dollar aus dem Jahr 2018.

Kryptowährungen haben sich von einem reinen digitalen Zahlungmittel zu einer vielseitigen Branche mit einer breiten Palette von Projekten entwickelt. Es gibt Social-Media-Apps, auf Blockchains basierte Spiele und Marktplätze, die alles von Sammlerstücken bis zu Kunstwerken verkaufen.

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Mein Persönliches Fazit:

Interessanterweise habe ich diese Quelle bei der Staatlichen russischen Nachrichtenagentur Russian Television Deutsch gefunden. Wie man unweigerlich erkennen kann hat Russland seine negative Meinung zum Kryptomarkt geändert.

Derzeit fällt mir auf, dass Bitcoin auf der Stelle steht und keine neuen Rekorde brechen will, Altcoins hingegen haben den Turbo gezündet und haben zweistellige Zuwachsraten.

Ein Indiz für den erneuten Kryptowinter?

Bedenke 2018 war das Rekordjahr in dem die Kryptogewinne realisiert wurden. Das Jahr des letzten Kryptowinters.


As much money was invested in cryptocurrencies this year as in all previous years combined. Despite the corona pandemic, investors sense good business in this area.

Venture capital funds invested around $ 30 billion in cryptocurrencies in 2021. That is more than in all previous years added together since the introduction of cryptocurrencies, as the market research company PitchBook reported, citing transaction data.

The data shows that companies that are active in the field of cryptocurrencies generated 33.7 billion US dollars through 1,217 different transactions worldwide this year. This is almost four times the previous annual record of eight billion US dollars from 2018.

Cryptocurrencies have developed from a purely digital means of payment to a diverse industry with a wide range of projects. There are social media apps, blockchain-based games, and marketplaces that sell everything from collectibles to works of art.

I quoted from the following article ...

! [Screenshot_20211223-215413_Hotbit.jpg] ()

! [Screenshot_20211223-215441_Hotbit.jpg] ()

My personal conclusion:

Interestingly, I found this source on the Russian state news agency Russian Television Deutsch. As you can inevitably see, Russia has changed its negative view of the crypto market.

I am currently noticing that Bitcoin is standing still and does not want to break new records, while Altcoins have ignited the turbo and have double-digit growth rates.

An indication of the renewed crypto winter?

Remember 2018 was the record year in which the crypto profits were realized. The year of the last crypto winter.


I understand that the expansion of cryptocurrencies is partly due to the fact that it is considered an alternative (wealth reserve) of currencies backed by nothing (fiat money), all this due to the mismanagement of the global monetary system.

well you mustn't forget. Cryptocurrencies and FIAT currencies have one thing in common.

both are created out of nothing.

the increase in value only comes about through trust

Regarding the crown and the momentum over cryptos, I am aware that it is difficult to establish a correlation between the crown and the movements of rise or fall, or mention a single reason that affects them, since many elements can have an impact on this market.

Thank you for the informative contribution regarding the boom you have had las cripomonedas (pro of the coronavirus)...

Many people lost their jobs during the Corona epidemic. They have found a place of income in cryptocurrency. Many have started short trades with little investment. More money has been invested in cryptocurrency at this time, this is good news.

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Cryptocurrencies have expanded in a way that their tentacles are in all areas, even crypto tellers are already on the rise. Digital assets are a profitable investment lately, but their volatility makes us examine it carefully, and we consider with judgment the advantages and disadvantages

Hello @der-prophet… I have chosen your post about “-Corona is the booster for cryptocurrencies/Corona ist der Booster für Kryptowährungen-” for my daily initiative to retest - vote and comment…
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