BITCOIN knackt schon wieder sein Allzeithoch!/BITCOIN has hit its all-time high again!

in APPICS4 years ago (edited)


Heute ist es schon wieder soweit.
**Alle die jemals in BITCOIN investiert haben und diese bis heute gehalten haben, sind im Plus!

Jetzt wird es Zeit sich mit dem Thema zu beschäftigen! Denn wie oft soll ich noch erwähnen das Kryptowährungen der Megatrend sind. Die Regulierung der Staaten schreitet immer weiter fort. Kein Staat der Welt hat interesse Kryptowährungen zu stark zu regulieren.

Jetzt frage ich mich... "welche Megatrendinvestoren jetzt immer noch lachen?"

Hier ein neues Lied um das ATH zu feiern.
Ein echter Ohrwurm? 😅


BITCOIN has hit its all-time high again!

Today it's that time again.
** Everyone who has ever invested in BITCOIN and has kept it to this day is in the plus!

Now is the time to look into the subject! Because how often should I mention that cryptocurrencies are the megatrend. State regulation continues to advance. No country in the world is interested in regulating cryptocurrencies too tightly.

Now I ask myself ... "which megatrend investors are still laughing now?"

Here's a new song to celebrate the ATH.
A real catchy tune? 😅

Before we begin, everyone do me a favor
And read a little thing I wrote called the Federalist Papers
I explain how a nation’s unlikely to survive
Without a strong central government to keep it alive
When I launched the central bank, Jefferson called me ill
Now you have my face to thank on every ten dollar-bill
When America was cash-strapped, I pushed past that
Now some sicko makes crypto and our nation backtracks?

Decentralized currency. Yes, I invented it
I’m sure many governments wish they had prevented it
Their national cash is how they keep control
But freedom to the people was my ultimate goal
Am I a pseudonym? A group of men? It doesn’t even matter
I invented Bitcoin cause fiat is a disaster
A man from Japan or a damn hologram?
I’m the reason open season on crypto began

Does anybody know what this crypto-thing means?
To me, sounds like the new Get Broke Quick scheme
A bunch of fools from across the land
Investing in something they don’t even understand
Buying Litecoin, Dash, Bitcoin Cash
It’s all gonna crash, and be gone in a flash
All this unsupported money’s an irrational prank
And I’ll be laughing all the way to my National Bank

Hahahahahah, yeah dude, super funny
As if banks these days still helped people make money
The rich get richer and we follow like we’re all sheep
The banks serve Wall Street, crypto serves all streets
The interest in crypto’s on rapid ascent
What’s your current interest? Half a percent?
I’m sorry, the bank’s gone past its peak
But I want info encrypted, not hacked and leaked

If this crypto system will be our salvation
It needs to be centralized, needs regulation
If our central database gets… how you say, “hacked?”
Insurance will just make a case to get your money back
‘Cause in fact, it’s tracked, and the money leaves a trail
Central currency is strong, cryptocurrency is frail
Untraceable money — wow, so clever
One typo in your address? Now it’s gone forever

Crypto is frail? That’s the essence of your lesson?
Your money leaves a trail? Yeah, a trail to a recession
A buncha rich white guys made this system
Why would they ever change this, when it’s made them rich men
Movie moguls fought hard against the VCR
Horse and buggy manufacturers all hated the car

So why would I take my advice from the banks?
I don’t need a bailout to survive. Thanks



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Its fantastic news!👌🤩

Whole, rap battles are so cool and creative -Ill make sure to watch that video 😉👍🏻

I wish you a lot of fun 😅


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