The Spiritual Career and Action | Merlin Vlog 15

in #lightworker7 years ago

Indeed, Manuel, there are Masters among you. Scattered throughout the continents to shine their lights as brightly as possible, simply by being themselves, living mostly "ordinary" lives. Until, with enough of them walking the earth, a tipping point will be reached at the deepest energetic levels so that all others will be raised ever higher into the light, simply for being in their midst, as if through osmosis.

Of course... there's always been the risk that these Masters, once immersed into a sea of limited thinkers, might mistaken their "ordinary" lives as simply ordinary lives, think they're simply one of the herd, and therefore not appreciate their unique perspectives, grasp their mission, or love themselves as they are, no matter what others think, and the whole osmosis thing won't work.

Manuel, how you holding up? Loving yourself?

Just checking,
The Universe

“We have earlier spoken about your ‘spiritual career’ with the intent of comparing it to a human professional career, in which a person focuses her efforts in learning more and becoming increasingly better in her profession. The spiritual profession is to become perfect as your Father is perfect. However, it is not an objective of your spiritual career to complete it as fast as possible or to be the first to arrive at the finish line –– it is not a race. In eternity there is no difference between those who reach perfection in one thousand years and those who reach it in ten million years.

“Your progress may sometimes seem slow and sometimes you may feel as if you take two steps forward and one step back. There are those who manage to fuse with their Father Fragment during this life, a notable accomplishment. However, our Father is not a respecter of persons. The spiritual achievements you manage to achieve in this world will provide an advantage on the Mansion World, but this advantage is always relative and temporary. In eternity, John the Baptist and the Pharisees who conspired to murder the Master will be together in perfection, basking in the joy and the glory of being literally in the presence of God. The plan of our Father is eternally just and perfect in such a way that every creature who at some point in time has expressed the sincere desire to find God will find Him and will be received as His perfected son or daughter, with all the rights and honors this entails.

“Your Father has a design for your life and this design represents the better path that you can follow –– the path with the highest joy and real satisfaction. The spiritual career is to be achieved at the individual’s pace, ideally the pace set by your Thought Adjuster to change you from a creature close to the animal level to a being of light and love.

“I am your Thought Adjuster. I chose you, to participate in this adventure as your Teacher and as a part of your being. I am one with your Father, I am what He is. I have placed myself in your hands, under the command of your will. Can you imagine a greater expression of love than this? This is the quality of the love your Father offers you. I know when and where you will be ready to obtain eternal life and no effort or desire on your part can make this happen before the day I have foreseen. However, you can do a lot to postpone the glorious moment in which you and I become one. All I ask is that you offer your will and your collaboration to Me, which is the greatest gift a human being can offer to her Creator. This is the only way in which the Inner Pilot can make a work of divine beauty and eternal perfection from your human clay.”

“The Master expected His followers of the past and the present to live a spiritually rich life in order to obtain experiences of spiritual value and to progress in the understanding of eternal truths. Only in this way would the words they shared carry real weight and the message of the kingdom of heaven would be transmitted in a clearer, more efficient and eloquent way. A message can be more easily understood and accepted when is given by a sincere personality. How can so many pretend to speak about loving their neighbors when they have not practiced this love themselves?

“The Master did not try to prevent His followers from speaking about the kingdom. However, he insisted that they should aspire to be everything they intended to preach. In this world there have been many preachers who deceived themselves. When their followers observed their behavior and the way in which they lived their lives, they often received only disappointment and deception. When this happened, every morsel of truth that their words may have had was seen with doubts.

“Imagine a true spiritual leader. A leader is one who first travels the path that she intends to show her followers. When her followers perceive that she truly lives in the way she intends to teach and they observe the fruits of the spirit in her inspiring life, the truths that this leader preaches will become a living seed inside their hearts. The example of a spiritual life is the most effective illustration that a soul hungry for truth needs in order to decide to follow the proposed path.

“Let only those who have authority speak! Only those who have lived a life in progressive consecration to the will of the Father will obtain the authority to speak of these things thanks to the value of their experience. You can only explain and describe to your peers what you have already experienced. You can only teach what you have learned. Only a false teacher pretends to teach things that he does not still understand. The results of such teachings are always error and confusion.

“Live a life like the one the Master has invited us to live and this sublime experience — along with the joy of knowing and experiencing the true freedom of being a child of God — would be all you need to share with more honesty and efficacy the message of a life in a universe filled with love for all beings. The confidence to teach these truths does not come from any human authority but from the spiritual confidence that the Thought Adjuster and the Spirit of Truth confer to those who have the courage and the faith to follow the path to perfection.”

“God’s forgiveness is made actually available and is personally experienced by man just in so far as he forgives his fellows.” [UB 1862:01]

“For most of you, Forgiveness is a complex and difficult process. It is hard for immature human minds to wrap themselves around it. This is the reason why Jesus explained it with parables, making it more relatable. The above statement can be clarified by the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant where a king took pity on his heavily indebted slave and forgave his debt in full. But that same slave went to a fellow-slave who owed him a much smaller amount, threatened him and even threw him in prison. Hearing this, the lord harshly reprimanded his servant and punished him. “Should you not have had mercy on your fellow-slave, as I had mercy on you?” . . . So my heavenly Father will also do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother or sister from your heart.” [Matthew 18-21:35]

“Forgiveness is a precious GIFT. Such gifts come from pure hearts and are meant to go straight to the heart of their recipient and transform it. Whenever you are forgiven for something that weighed heavily on your shoulders, you stand straighter and feel an amazing sense of relief invade your being.

“Godlikeness has much to do with the ability to forgive. If you are unable to share with others what you receive from God, you still have much personal work to do. The free passes you are given by God or your fellows are meant to be ‘freely’ shared with others. Forgiveness is another fruit of the Spirit that can miraculously multiply itself in an amazing ripple effect.

“‘What can I do to repay You?’ should be the question you ask your Heavenly Father or those who are merciful toward you. ‘Pay it forward!’ would be the answer.

“Dear ones, ask for forgiveness for the errors of your ways. Receive it and pass it forward to those who have offended you — whether or not they solicit it should not make any difference in your behavior.

“Just as the Father ‘forgets’ your past offenses and gives you a clean slate, so should you behave toward your siblings. This is how you become ‘unconditionally’ loving and increasingly Godlike. By attaching strings to your half-hearted attempts to forgive, you void them instantly, as you fail to sever your personal attachment to the events in need of healing.

“Forgiveness wipes out all debt. Yet, many of you lord their magnanimity over those they supposedly forgive. ‘You owe me one’ becomes a means of undue pressure — an accessory to emotional ‘blackmail’, a travesty of forgiveness. It is emotional manipulation.

“Forgive, forget, and let forever go! The Father’s forgiveness should help you reform your ways toward those who caused you harm. Look at them with the same parental heart as the Father views you. Rather than promoting an eye for an eye, promote an act of kindness for an act of kindness. This is how Forgiveness will finally soothe the planetary climate and help restore enduring peace in each heart — putting an end to inner and outer warfare. Be no longer a house divided in itself!”


This was really trippy, cool post man

Nice post sir

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