The poem "The Hare Tiger"

in #poetry6 years ago

Hi Steemers ..
How are you today, hopefully stay healthy in carrying out activities as usual activities
May we always be in good condition at all times with the ease of time

Ravenous Tiger
Works DESSY _ @deesy

The Strong Tiger is like the King of the Forest
The lush forest is like a dense Green
Each leaf fills the twigs
Each branch strengthens the tree

Mother Goats are fat like a pregnant female Cow
Parent Goats who have children like a child Cow Small number seven digits
Mother Goats and their children live happily like bright lamps
The bright lamp always coloring time after time
Goat Parent Out in the Cage expecting Apple Wine and Green leaves

The tiger went to a shop to buy a piece of Lime
The tigers eat all the Lime in the hope of making their voice soft
The tiger returns to the Goat house while knocking on the door
Open the door of my son! I brought gifts for you
Saying Tiger putting his front leg in the Window

Hearing the voice melodious melodious, goat lull and terlena
Terniang mematan They thought the mother had walked home
the fancies of a young goat lulled to the fragrant wine of ripe apples and the green leaves of the tapestry rug
The twinkling of the stomach The goat loudly goes hungry
The eyes of a young goat to see the claws are black and sharp like a drawn Sword, they are reluctant to open it

The tiger ran to the baker
The tiger gave the bread dough on my feet to make it look like a smooth leg of a princess
The baker is shaking like a powerful earthquake from a tense feeling
The baker smeared the tiger's tooth paste like a polished wax statue

The tiger passed to the flour miller
The flour mill rolled like a tree that shook with fear
The flour mill sprinkled the tiger's feet like snow covering the expanse of land
Tigers repeatedly to the Goat's house

The voracious tiger, open the door of my son's ark, I bring gifts for my son
The goat screams like a thunderous thunderbolt. Show off your claws
The voracious tiger put his paws on the shutters
The goats see their white paws, they think the mother has come home
Opened the wide-gate door gate and stood the king of the jungle firmly

The children of the goats were shaking in their hearts like the sound of bells
Goat boys running around here are not necessarily the way a ship is swayed
The eyes of a tiger like a moon will not be hard to find them
The greedy tiger devoured the cute little goat one by one

The youngest of the goats escaped the blast of the King of the Jungle
Six goats were swallowed whole by the greedy Tiger
Tigers feel satisfied like the flow of water flowing
The tiger passed to the meadow, lying under a shady tree maligai
The tiger was sleepy and soon fell into a deep sleep

Goat mothers come home from wandering about in the forest
Mother goat is like searching for her seven children
Goat mother loses her mind by calling her child name one by one
Mother goat did not find one ekorun his son who answered
The last goat yelled for the youngest

The younger one grabbed my mother's silence in the crate
Mother goat in hampiri excitement sibungsu release
The youngest repeated his brother's recordings swallowed by the tiger
Mother goats and limp sibungsu walk in the meadow
Mother goats and sibungsu see under the tiger tree slept soundly with a very loud snoring

Mother goat and her son to the place of the lion king who slept like a suspended animation
Mother goats staring at tigers with eyeballs flushed through a fire of demism
Mother goat staring at the belly of a swollen tiger
The mother of her goat did not blink when she saw something moving in the belly of the tiger
The goat was shocked to death it might be that my children swallowed it whole

Goat mother twisted his mind is still alive?
Parent ruling to the youngest run home as fast as lightning and bring here needles and scissors scissors
Mother goat ripped the tiger's belly
The tiger was gaping wide, one by one the young goat jumped out, they still have life
The greedy tiger swallowed them round so no one was hurt

The lamps shine again how happy they are reunited
Mother goat screamed like a drum that was hit hard Find a big stone brought here
The young goats are looking for large elephant blocks
Mother goat pours the rocks into the belly of the forest king tiger
Mother goat fast as lightning stitching belly tiger

The tiger snored without knowing what was going on like being swayed in a long dream
Tigers awake after falling asleep for so long
The tiger felt a very thirsty thirst
The tiger stepped into the well to look for water
The tiger walks and the rocks in his stomach clash together like a blast with a rattling sound

The tiger wobbled staggering
The tiger reached the lips of the well while bowing
The tiger has no power to hold the weight of the stone inside its abdominal sac
The tiger drifted down into a gaping well

Pelita joy to go mothers goat
Watching the Tiger the king of the jungle drifts in the well
The time of happiness has come for the mother goat and her children
Wandering in the forest for a long time no longer makes the heart of the mother becomes tense

Lhokseumawe 04 June 2018

Thus the writing of this poem I present and the author wants to know what Steemers think after reading this poem by being able to comment, vote and support the resteem. Thank you authors say.
Regards :-)



Hi Steemers ..
Bagaimana kabarmu hari ini, semoga tetap sehat dalam menjalankan aktifitas kegiatan seperti biasa
Semoga kita selalu dalam kondisi baik setiap saat dengan kemudahan waktu

Harimau yang Rakus
Karya DESSY _ @deesy

Harimau Kuat bagaikan Raja Hutan
Hutan Rimbun laksana Hijau yang lebat
Setiap Daun memenuhi ranting
Setiap Ranting memperkuat Pohon

Induk Kambing yang gemuk bagaikan Sapi Betina yang sedang bunting
Induk Kambing yang memiliki anak-anaknya bagaikan anak Sapi Kecil berjumlah tujuh angka
Induk Kambing dan anaknya hidup bahagia laksana pelita yang terang
Pelita terang selalu mewarnai waktu demi waktu
Induk Kambing Keluar dalam Sangkar mengharapkan Anggur Apel serta Hijaunya daun

Harimau pergi ke sebuah warung membeli sebungkah Kapur
Harimau memakan semua Kapur dengan harapan dapat membuat suaranya menjadi lembut
Harimau kembali ke rumah Kambing sambil mengetuk pintu
Bukalah pintu anakku! Aku membawa oleh-oleh untuk mu
Sambil berkata Harimau meletakkan sebelah Kaki depannya di Jendela

Mendengar suara lantunan merdu, anak kambing terbuai dan terlena
Terniang ingatan Mereka menyangka sang induk telah melangkahkan kaki pulang ke rumah
hayalan anak kambing terbuai akan anggur nan harum apel yang ranum dan daun hijau bak permadani yang terhampar
Dentingan suara perut Anak kambing berbunyi nyaring karena lapar
Terbelalak mata anak kambing demi dilihatnya cakar yang hitam dan tajam laksana Pedang yang terhunus, mereka enggan membukanya

Harimau pun lari ke tukang Roti
Harimau memberi adonan roti pada kakiku agar seperti laksana kaki mulus seorang putri
Tukang Roti gemetar bagaikan gempa yang kuat akibat rasa mencekam
Tukang Roti melumuri adonan roti kaki harimau bagaikan polesan patung lilin yang licin

Harimau berlalu ke tukang giling tepung
Tukang giling tepung gemetar bagaikan pohon yang bergoyang karena takut
Tukang giling tepung menaburkan tepung kaki harimau bagaikan salju yang menutup hamparan tanah
Harimau berulang kali ke rumah sang Kambing

Harimau yang rakus, bukalah pintu bahtera wahai anakku, aku membawa oleh-oleh untuk anakku
Anak kambing berteriak laksana suarar halilintar yang mengelegar Tunjukanlah cakarmu
Harimau yang rakus meletakkan cakarnya di daun jendela
Anak kambing melihat cakarnya yang putih, mereka mngira sang ibu telah pulang
Dibuka gerbang pintu lebar-labar dan berdiri sang raja rimba dengan kokoh

Anak-anak kambing gemetar jantungnya seperti suara lonceng
Anak-anak kambing berlarian kesana-kesini tidak tentu aluan bagai kan kapal yang terombang-ambing
Mata tajam harimau seperti rembulan tidak akan sulit menemukan mereka
Harimau yang rakus melahap satu demi satu anak kambing yang imut itu

Si Bungsu dari anak kambing luput dari lahapan Sang Raja Rimba
Enam ekor anak kambing ditelan bulat-bulat oleh Harimau rakus
Harimau merasa puas bagaikan alunan air yang mengalir
Harimau berlalu ke padang rumput, berbaring di bawah maligai pohon yang rindang
Harimau mengantuk dan segera tertidur lelap

Induk kambing pulang dari berkelana mondar-mandir dalam hutan
Induk kambing bagaikan kerasukan mencari ketujuh anaknya
Induk kambing kehilangan akal dengan binggung memanggil nama anaknya satu persatu
Induk kambing tidak mendapati satu ekorpun anaknya yang menjawab
Induk kambing terakhir berteriak memanggil si bungsu

Si bungsupun menyambar keheningan ibu aku di dalam peti
Induk kambing di hampiri kegembiraan dikeluarkannya sibungsu
Si bungsu mengulangi rekaman saudaranya yang ditelan oleh harimau
Induk kambing dan sibungsu lunglai berjalan di padang rumput
Induk kambing dan sibungsu melihat di bawah pohon harimau tertidur lelap dengan dengkuran yang sangat keras

Induk kambing dan anaknya sampai ketempat si raja singa yang tidur bagaikan mati suri
Induk kambing menatap harimau dengan bola mata yang memerah dirasuki api demdam
Induk kambing menatap perut harimau yang bengkak
Induk kambing mata nya tidak berkedip ketika dilihat seksama terlihat sesuatu bergerak di perut harimau
Induk kambing terkejut setengah mati mungkinkan itu anak-anakku yang ditelannya bulat-bulat

Induk kambing memutar akalnya masih hidupkah mereka?
Induk memerintah ke si bungsu lari ke rumah secepat petir dan bawakan kemari gunting jarum dan benang
Induk kambing merobek perut harimau
Harimau pun perutnya menganga lebar, satu persatu pun anak kambing itu berlompatan keluar, mereka masih ada nyawa
Harimau rakus menelan mereka bulat-bulat sehingga tidak satupun terluka

Pelitapun bersinar kembali betapa bahagianya mereka berkumpul kembali
Induk kambingpun berteriak bagaikan drum yang dipukul kencang Carilah Batu besar bawakan kemari
Anak-anak kambing mencari bongkahan batu gajah yang besar
Induk kambing menuangkan bebatuan itu kedalam perut harimau sang raja hutan
Induk kambing secepat kilat menjahit perut harimau

Harimau mendengkur terus tanpa tahu apa yang terjadi bagaikan terbuai dalam mimpi yang panjang
Harimau terjaga setelah tertidur sekian lama
Harimau merasakan dahaga yang teramat sangat karena haus
Harimau melangkah ke sumur untuk mencari air
Harimau berjalan dan batu-batu didalam perutnya saling berbenturan bagaikan hantaman dengan bunyi gemeretak

Harimau berjalan terhuyung sempoyongan
Harimau sampai di bibir sumur sambil membungkukkan badannya
Harimau tidak ada daya menahan beban batu didalam kantung perutnya
Harimau melayang jatuh kedalam lubang sumur yang menganga

Pelita kegembiraan menghampiri induk kambing
Menyaksikan Harimau sang raja rimba hanyut didalam sumur
Waktu kebahagian telah datang bagi induk kambing beserta anak-anaknya
Berkelana di hutan dengan waktu yang lama tidak lagi membuat hati sang induk menjadi mencekam

Lhokseumawe 04 Juni 2018

Demikianlah penulisan puisi ini saya sajikan dan penulis ingin tahu apa yang Steemers pikirkan setelah membaca puisi ini dengan dapat memberikan komentar, vote dan dukungan resteemnya. Terimakasih penulis ucapkan.
Salam :-)

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You got a 13.02% upvote from @mitsuko courtesy of @deesy!

Thank you very much for support of his voice :-)

Keep creating the awesome poetry and narratives! love seeing this type of content

Thank you very much for its support :-)

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Thank you very much for the support provided, Regards :-)

Sweet story you have here. Thanks.

Thanks also for contributing a comment that adds motivation for me to re-create another poem, Best Regards :-)

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Thank you very much for support of his voice :-)

This post has received a 0.03 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @deesy.

Thank you very much for support of his voice :-)

This post has received a 2.72 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @deesy.

Thank you very much for support of his voice :-)

Oke.... Welcome

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You just received 6.32% upvote from @onlyprofitbot courtesy of @deesy!

Thank you very much for support of his voice :-)

I like the rhythm of the words. I can really feel the dense green of the jungle and the jungle that's like life even in a city where you've got to watch out for "tigers". Well done, and I pray you get some good upvotes.

Thank you for commenting on the content of my poem, Regards :-)

That's all right, you are welcome.

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