Step-By-Step Sketching Harry Potter

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Hello to all Steemians!

How are you all doing guys? I am a bit sure you all did enjoy the long week holiday celebration! And as for me I was too busy for seven days that is why my blog page is quite muted.

So here's my 'after holiday' come back post! This is my first sketch tutorial post so please stay still. LOL!

We all know that the 'Harry Potter' fantasy series novels were written by the very popular British writer - J.K. Rowling, and are very known for its timeless exquisiteness. And to tell you all honestly, I don't belong to the 'potter head community' back then, because I thought the story was just overly rated by many. Needless to say, just a couple of months ago when me and my husband did that a one-week series marathon of the Harry Potter films. And yes! We finished watching the whole eight-film series of the said famous fantasy novel in just a week. And I may be a late bloomer when talking about 'HP', still, I am registering myself to be one of the 'Potter Head Community'.

So here's my step by step sketch of Harry Potter.


The Step-by-step Sketching of Harry Potter's Face

In sketching a well-focused face of a person, there are two different methods: using the ruler method or not using the ruler method. And as for me, I suggest to all beginners out there to follow the 'with ruler method'. In my work, when I draw my guideline sketch I used a blunt kind of a pencil and my mistake about it is that I used the 'too much' blunt kind of a pencil that every time I took a picture of my step-by-step process the lines were not visible. So, I re-highlighted my guideline sketch using paint so that everyone will see it clearly as I discussed the process. Still, if you are not going to make any tutorial steps about your work you can also try the very blunt kind of a guideline sketch.

Step 1:

Draw a circle in the center of the paper and make a vertical line on the center of the circle down to your desired position of the chin below the circle, be sure to keep both sides symmetrical as possible. Then, draw the jawline of Harry Potter.

Beside my outline face, I draw a ruler guide with 8 equal spaces. Along with the ruler, I visibly labeled A, B, C on the upper portion and 1,2,3 on the lower portion on an equal distance. I also suggest to everyone to make the ruler thinly visible so that there will be no bad marks of erasures afterwards.


Step 2:


In step 2, let us start by marking a thinly mark on the center of the face in a broken line form to initiate sketching the first eye portion of your drawing. The eyes that you will be sketching will definitely lie on that exact broken line. And in this part, you can freely draw on which eye part you want to start, either right or the left part as long as you feel comfortable about it.


Step 3:

When starting to sketch the eyebrow portion, remember to make it just thin as possible so that you can adjust it afterward. Then, draw the eyebrow along its brow bone with matching facial structures that illustrate Harry Potter's masculinity. Remember! Man is known for having thick bushy eyebrows too!


Step 4:


When it comes to sketching the nose part, you can use the distance of the two eyes in determining the exact size and position of the nose that you will be sketching. And as I draw Harry Potter's nose, I made it a bit well-sculptured to showcase its masculinity and its 'just' right appearance. As you stroke the nose part, you can gently stroke the pencil from the labeled number 1 down to the number 2 part.


You can notice on my drawing that the other part is somehow fading or in a shadowy state because I preferred it to be that way. That is why Harry Potter's lip portion is halfy well-noticed compared to the other side. And also, be sure to draw the center tip of your lips in proportion to the center of your nose too.

Step 5:


In sketching the hair part of your drawing, you can see to it that the hairlines fall under the labeled letters A, B, and C. And it is up to you if you want to make it longer. And it is also up to you if you want to put some thin hairlines on the forehead part.

On my first five steps, I used my Pentel Energize 0.5 Mechanical Pencil.


And as I go along with sharpening the lines on my sketch I used my Staedtler yellow pencil 152.




So here is my final look of Harry Potter with a well-enhanced and sharpened details.


And to all fellow artist out there and also to all beginners who want to start something remarkable, I suggest that you don't need to follow everything what I have said, you can add up some features that you feel it will reflect something amazing as you want it to be.

Be free to stroke that magical pencil and enjoy the process!

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you spent a lot of time and attention to get the right proportions,
and effort well spent as the likeness at the end, regardless of your rendering style remains intact.

good work, keep going :]

Oh my.. thanks for the compliment 😊

you are welcome. we need more artists on board, so I am just happy to see you here

That remind me of my fina arts classes back at school ^,..,^

  • Loved Harry Potter as a kid, Chamber of Secrets is my fav,,


The way u did it is remarkable.
It seems so difficult but u did it so well. Really its's too great

Hahah it's so hard to be honest. .but i really enjoy the process.. 😊

Oh... Good to know

Ang galing! Yaman na! (^_^)
Happy Holidays!

Salamat sis! Happy holidays too!

Congrats friend. Woot woot super galing mo mpatravel, poem, drawing, ano pa next? Wow friend!

Hahaha bsta tumbling na contest friend d ko pede

Wow @deeday31 big congrats hehe

Thank u so much sir!

Wow!! This is amazing. What a great post! I love how you go through the steps in such detail. I was the same way with Harry Potter! I refused to watch or read the books when it was overly popular. Once I finally gave in a few years ago,I just fell in love with the story and how perfectly planned out the entire series was!

The story was so amazing that i cant deny being one of the potter heads community 😊

wow congrats deeday!!

Salamat kaayo maam 😊 😊

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