SteemMonsters ranks #2 among Top 5 Blockchain Games "not Using Ethereum"

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Check out this latest news on by Zane Huffman

Top 5 Blockchain Games not Using Ethereum

This article begins with the following

As Ethereum continues to fall further below US$200, headlines worldwide unanimously call for a death to Ethereum. Whether or not that is truly the case is very much up for discussion. However, in the niche of blockchain gaming, Ethereum is dying, as huge costs and inhibitions are driving game developers to alternative networks.

I am not that pessimistic about Ethereum's future, but am still glad to see multiple blockchain platforms developing for even more applications.

So, the article picks 5 best blockchain games on non-Ethereum chains and we are very pleased to see our own @steemmonsters sitting at the top 2 spot! Woohoo!!~~~~

Check out how they describe our wonderful Steem game ...

What makes the game so enticing, more than the gameplay itself, is its nature as a Steem-incubated project. The Steem blockchain is unique in its autonomous funding protocols: content is incentivized and continues to grow due to the networks ability to generate coins to fund its content creators and participants at sustainable rates. The fact that this blogging platform has now spawned a blockchain game is phenomenal. The nature of Steem also means high scalability and no transaction fees for Steem Monsters, a huge accomplishment not seen through Ethereum and most other blockchains.

Sounds pretty positive and encouraging right? Well done, @aggroed and @yabapmatt !!

Check out their website if you are not yet aware about this fascinating game!

螢幕快照 2018-09-18 上午8.39.55.png


Etherum is highly down now a days and dont know when will it stop falling down and start jumping up.

Posted using Partiko Android

did you get in the game, ms/miss Liu?

I bought some packs, but did not keep following the latest development.

The creators of #steemmonsters game are very bright and brilliant people @deanliu

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