[steemit exclusive] Aftermath of Typhoon MEGI ... Live reporting #2 梅姬颱風災情第一手報導

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Yesterday I have reported d-live about Typhoon Megi that hits Taiwan (see here)... and today it has left at least we have a rather good weather day in Taipei - people coming out to clean all the mess it has brought and enjoying another holiday if you don't have serious damage in your house. At least most people who live in Taipei should have little damage. 昨天為梅姬颱風做了第一手報導(看這裡),今天颱風已經遠離,天氣還不錯,大家都出來整理環境,或是享受難得的假期,對!今天又放假了,原本是9/28台灣的教師節放假,再加上颱風原本預估還走不遠所以也放... 不過,台北災情並不嚴重,雖然這次颱風的強風是今年第二強。

My friend, A, who supplied me with the video in the previous report, gets excited after I told him that his video is viewed by people all over the world. So he sent me more photos of the damages caused by this typhoon around his neighborhood. As I promised a free drink to him for his video, now I will have to upgrade to a free meal! 昨天供給我影片的朋友A,是被我說要請他喝飲料而拍的,聽到我說要給全世界的人看他的影片後很興奮,今天又發來很多新的他家附近的"災情"照片,看來我可能下次要請他吃頓飯才成。

Most damages are on trees in the park, some are on shop signboards... these are no shocking images as they are firsthand photos from normal people like my friend. But they give you a sense of what typhoon might cause if you are not familiar with this kind of natural disaster. Be respectful to Nature - don't over develop our beautiful planet! 大部分災情都是在公園裡的樹木,有些是在商店的招牌,沒有太驚人的照片因為這只是一般人可以拍到的範圍,但是你大概會知道所謂颱風在城市裡面帶來的災害大概就是這樣子。大自然的力量還是很驚人的,永遠要對自然懷著敬畏之心哪!

First, some minor damages of the neighbors... 首先是鄰居的小損失...

Poor trees took most hit from the crazy strong wind ... 可憐的樹木總是受傷慘重...

Biggest fallen tree got chopped off ... 大樹倒了已經被鋸斷...

Playground bombed ...  像是被炸過的兒童遊樂場...

Shop signboards...  招牌被吹掉不少 ...

The big "X" on shop windows are common precaution measures (tapes).. heard that this is effective... 窗戶用膠帶黏上X型據說可以防風...



謝謝! 通常我們住城市的只要待在家都沒啥事的, 只是可能停水電... 辛苦的都是山區的居民們...

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