One year ago I was happy to be the first Crown bidder - celebrating my first year with VIVA

in #viva7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemians and more importantly fellow Vivos!

I should had done this post two days earlier as Nov 18 is the exact date of my anniversary for becoming the first bidder for Viva Crowns' first ever auction ... yeah, the Round 1 Batch 1 for bidding on

100 Viva Crowns!! 100!!

If you were in that epic battle, you would remember it! :)

Very few, if anyone other than William Banks the Viva architect, really knew what Viva Crowns are or even what Viva is. William wrote four posts explaining how Viva works before the auction. Still, I guess not many could really fully digest then ... Here, feeling familiar? :)

Part 1 : Introduction to a Price Stable Crypto Currency With Basic Income
Part 2 : VIVA Components Explained
Part 3 : VIVA Components Explained - Part 2
Part 4 : Bootstrapping the VIVA Economy

Of course, after one whole year, after so many things have happened in the Viva land, after we stay this far with each other, after the number of Vivos exceeds more than a thousand (am I correct on this?) ... many of us have learnt so much more about this system (and I am not sure if I am among them) along the way although there seems to be so much more to learn ... even if we can really all figure out how this mysterious system really works, there are still lessons to be learnt about how to apply Viva to run all kinds of businesses, to help people around you and to make this world a better one free from exploitation.

I've been thinking about how I should celebrate this during the time that most of us are waiting for the dev team to fix some badass bugs. Today when I re-read the first auction post, I thought why not gather the bidding information about this bidding war and make a table so all of us can re-live that moment? That's it! So here is how the first ever auction for Viva Crowns went:


You can see that this war kept warming up until the later stage of escalation led by @wingz's big bid raising it from 3,000 to 5,000! All the bids are listed below in order. You can check this link with comments ranking by age.

orderbidderbidpersonal orderbid difference

Hehe, see my name at the first place. Yeah, proudly the first bidder for Crowns in Viva history!! I know this title may be less well known than @cryptomancer's the first winner of Crowns title. But I can't be happier to get this though!

If you take a look closely at those 26 bids (I hope I did not miss any bid among those bidding comments), there are a few interesting facts:

  • @cryptomancer is also the bidder with most effective bids (so bid more and you will win!)
  • four out of all five one dollar increment bids were made by a single bidder @gavvet. :)
  • there were 7 bidders that only bid once, including later crown holders me and @nextgen622. @nextgen622's final snipe almost made it and according to their later comments: if @nextgen622 had a better phone and been away from his son, maybe he could have won the lot as @cryptomancer said that 7,000 was his limit... Well, only God knows. :) I am happy that both of them are my fellow crown holders now...
  • also another fellow CH @onceuponatime actually made a higher bid of 6,600, but it was just a little bit late.

I was the first bidder and at first I was really worried that I would win the lot - not worrying about myself, but worrying that this method did not work and too few people knew about this auction and therefore ruining the team's efforts. Glad it wasn't the case and the game kept rolling after @blocktrades jumped in (but he did not continue to bid... a little bit strange to me though as when I saw his bid I thought 'oh you are interested too? nice! I guess the lot is yours since you have so so so many Steems'... ha! didn't happen!).

Lucky for me to be able to get a few Crowns in Batch 2 and my Viva journey started from there and keep going until today ...

We are approaching the end of 2017 and I believe 2018 will be Viva's year to shine and we can all start from there and build a better tomorrow with it! Cheers to you all!

At the end, let's review what our winner @cryptomancer said after he won it:

Exciting action there at the end. I guess the three of us were just sitting there with fingers at the ready, watching the minutes tick down. It mostly came down to blind luck.

Ye gods, that was some quick last minute action. My heart was thumping like crazy.


Wow it’s been a year already! What a ride it has been since then. I remember the auction so clearly.You know, actually a funny thing happened the night after the auction was posted. I had a dream that the auction went for 11000 Steem, and I know I’d regret it if I didn’t bid. So my strategy was to stay low key and try to snipe the final bid. Hehe, yeah if I was next to a computer, I could have probably timed things a bit better. But congrats to @cryptomancer for the consistent bids and taking out the auction. I’m thankful that I was able to purchase some later. It’s been my best investment so far, and such a great project to be part of. Can’t wait ‘til 2018 when more of the Vivaconomy features/functions are rolled out. :)

haha, your strategy almost pulled it off! that's something to tell your son when he grows up - It's totally your fault, son! lol

lol. Thankfully I was able to buy some Crowns at a later stage. And I’m glad @cryptomancer took out the bid, as he Is a real asset for the Vivaconomy.

totally agree. and I believe soon you will be too, if not yet. :)

It s was heard now go go go have a great value. hoping and wishing every one in success.

I remember that first auction! It was for the entire batch of 100 Crowns. To expensive for me, but so glad I got in on Round 2 where we could choose how many Crowns we wanted. It's been an interesting and fun year with VIVA!

Not expensive at all today! :)

I'm quite sure I was there too )

you sure was! :)

oh, did you mean your bid of 1,012? yes, I see it. but @vivacoin did not take it as you were outbid right away? anyway, I am putting you up! :)

congratulations ,,, keep up the good of luck.. i hope you are win in job ...have a nice day @deanliu ,,,, please you vote my last post.


When Lambo!?

hmmm... need to check my OpenLedger. been a long time

viva and openledger? can't see the link... why?

ooops. tradeqwik. you can tell I've not check for a long time :-)

it's not quite active anyway. you surly missed nothing. :)

Congratulations, best of luck to you

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