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RE: SteemMonsters: What am I missing with Creeping Ooze?

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)

2 to 3 gains you one point of speed. Even without attack, speed is useful because it increased your chance of dodging an attack. 3 to 4 is giving you an attack so they have to penalize you something else or else it would be overpowered. (ie they are trying to be balanced)

Overall a pretty good card for only 1 mana.


Hey @dbooster...

Yeah, I get the need to drop health and/or speed for an increase in attack.. e.g. Lvl 8 - Lvl 9 seems fair.

But offering no real benefit (other than the extra bit of dodge like you mentioned) from lvl 2 - lvl 3 and then taking away both that benefit and another health point when going from 3 - 4 seems like a lot.

Would an increase in attack (before an increase in speed, with or without dropping health) from 2->3 not have been more useful (and still remain balanced)?

P.S. What I never thought of (and was raised in another post on WhaleShares) though is that Ooze does become (more) useful in red decks for example with an attack boost from the summoner.

FWIW: As a 1 mana "slot filler" I've already seen some use from this card in a battle or two. So it is great, yes! Just struggling to understand the "fairness" and number of cards that it requires to get from lvl2 -> lvl 4.

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