The Gaul Of Homeowners

in #commies2 years ago

An answer I gave someone that will surely be deleted.

Man do you have a major block in your knowledge where economics should be. Instead of a useful appraisal of the human actions that guide society, you see it as a tool for social engineering. Defeating human nature by mathematical equations that nobody can follow, and have yet to predict a single economic future, ever.

The great depression? Started and then worsened by the Fed's actions. The ending of the Marshall Plan, and the unceremonious edict, that dollars and gold had no connection, totally dictated by the Federal Reserve Board. The Savings and Loans debacle of the late 80's, the Fed gobbled up the last large holdouts of private banking. The Dot-Com bubble, totally caused and cleaned up, financially by the Fed. Then it was homes. The Fed spent the better half of a decade pushing ridiculous lending standards and using their own money invention, to fuel the selling rally. They knew they could throw the vast majority of these late comers under water, and absorb those ACTUAL assets when the adjusted mortgage rate, turned the last years affordable payment, into this years comical, and thinly veiled robbery through paperwork. After the explosion of the housing market they pretty much just hit the compressor and inflated the same popped bubble.

They weren't given an obvious asset class to juice without showing immediate inflation, so they giot imaginative. Quantitative easing, or QE entered the news lexicon and we found out the economy depends upon massive, and regular injections of $BILLINS every month. Negative, and poor interest rates at less than 1% isn't seeming to be enough to get us out of our current slump. They are talking about a raising of 2 percentage points by like 2024 and it's already given us 2 consecutive housing months that fell in sales. What happens when the rates hit historical norms of even 5%?

All you boomers, that enjoyed treating your home as the most lucrative investment vehicle in your portfolio, are coming to an end. For myself and the rest of us working young men and women, this is awesome and going to make things more fair. Not by robbing innocent people to make up for the bad decisions of other's parents. Nope, this will be justice of natural equilibrium. When the costs get so outrageously, and arbitrarily driven so high, so fast, the cause is always the Fed using it to introduce all of the new currency they are creating.

If houses still cost $13,000 like they did in LA after my great grandpa got back from the war, this wouldn't be an issue. They have destroyed your money while telling you that you've gotten rich, just by holding these places. Flipping a house in 6 months is profitable. Owning a $13,000 home in LA would have already cost many times its actual price in taxes by now alone. Add to that the insane homeless, crime, and laughable police "services". My folks bought a modest 3 bedroom ranch style house on an 1/8th acre lot in the mid 1990's. They paid $170k for it and today it's been appraised at near 6 times their cost. That house is where my stepmother passed away. I built a awesome playhouse in the backyard, for my daughter and now my nephews. My folks have been a fixture in the community since they bought in. Good people who brought value to the rest of the homeowners on the block.

My stepdad is the opposite of myself, regards taxes. He considers that being forced to pay for teachers that the actual parents don't want, he feels duty bound to participate in. Even though he's an RN and smokes weed, he has no issue with the drug war. He knows what's killing opiate users. Hot shots that are more potent than expected. He also knows that when the state banned booze, they poisoned people rather than leave ethanol uncorrupted. Their single minded obsession blinds them to obvious socially and financially conflicting interests.

The state is force. They only know how to employ violence for problem solving, and their track record is pretty clear. All problems that are "fixed"through force, cause other problems. The law of unintended consequences, if you will. My issue is that we've known of this equation for my whole life, and yet, we have learned nothing.

The constant rat race that we are all on, in our search for wealth, health, and happiness is constantly being frustrated by the state. They may seem like someone else, an evil corporation, or some private criminal, but no. The constant rise in prices, drop in the value of your dollars, and the explosion in illness are all the fault of the state, and their private banking cartel.

It's not your fellow Americans that are taking anything from you. In fact, the top 10% of earners pay some half of the taxes, as it is now. You need to remove this mental tumor that's causing you to register hatred for the private producers in society, and love the looters in society. If I know that people I hate will get my property upon my death, I will have it burned.

Let mine be a viking funeral with every Earthly possession I have attained in a pile for me to lay on. Then liberate my life's work back to the heavens and it will be made crystal clear in my will, I don't want anything that can be recycled, left. Burn it all. First gather the orphans and explain to them that there was a time that my estate would have gone to them. But because of the state's attempt to loot my family, I would rather see it all burn. Then after the sad children are assembled, pour the gasoline, and spark the match. Then laugh maniacally at the hungry and poor children, as my life's accounting is made into carbon, just to piss you people off.

You people who equate taxes with morals, are so totally immoral and ignorant of what moral even is, you're a scary person, and I hope we never have to actually interact, in real life. I would bet half a years wages to say you have never paid into the system a single cent that didn't come back. You are slow enough to see a no interest loan to the state, to be a good deal. Then when they decide you lent them more than you were obligated to, they cut you a "refund". Refunds tend to insinuate that a service or product was sold or bought, and the service or product failed to provide the value it claimed to. If you feel well served by the amount you pay in taxes, you either don't pay taxes, or you're a liar.

I am as blue collar as it gets. I'm in a 6 figure salary but on the low end. They have started, this year and brand new, to change the withholding paperwork. I filled out my new jobs tax form as I always have, with 5 dependents. They are taking a full 1/3rd from my check. Never before has it been anywhere near this. I would hit a good week and see a $500 deduction off of a $3,000 gross. Every once in a great while I would owe the IRS a few thousand bucks, but this seemed to be a good estimate of right on.

This disgusting world is ran by the non-profit 501(C)3 tax free foundations now. Bill Gates isn't investing in vaccines, he's a philanthropist doubling his good works by pure luck. The Carnegie Foundation needed steel workers. Wouldn't ya know, he produces this country's educational material and they still operate on a whistle.You people don't seem to care about the truly disgusting generational wealth, that's actually being used to your detriment. You people hate your local business owners, contractors, and anyone who adds enough value to society to have some left over for their kids after they die.

That's my main beef with yall. Small business owners put it all on the line. Many are working their several improvements through trial and error. Many owe family, friends, and have even put their own families home on the line for collateral, If their idea fails. Are their Cinderella stories that are just gross? Yes, but that's not the story of the vast majority of entrepreneurs. Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves, in 3 generations. Hard men make easy times. Hard times make hard men. Easy times make easy wimps, and the hard times return to restart the cycle. "Old Money" is not terribly common in America. Lots of inheritances have been full of great stocks at the time of purchase, but have lost most of their value. Think Blockbuster. US Bonds, are what they are, but they fail to outperform inflation at all. Investing in bonds strikes me as worse than holding cash.

Luckily, the boomers have slept through the financial revolution that is, decentralized banking and crypto. This exciting and limitless investment space is proof that God exists and he is a Just God. People my age are upset. I'm still being extorted for today's SS recipients, and getting nothing in the way of appreciation for it. Certainly won't get any value from the paper, if it's even paper by then.

People my age, know that we've been screwed. We know the older have gotten rich at our expense. We know they have used us to fund, fight, and die in order to maintain their international status. We have been totally expendable if it even offers a chance at making it unsafe for a 90 year old to get along living like they are in their prime. Nevermind the average age for American men is like 73.

You have stolen our economy and made sure to be handsomely rewarded for your treachery. You have totally stolen the education of children from their own parents, and you celebrate it without any actual pushback. You've replaced reading, writing, and figures, with CRT, woke, and the total embrace of a double standard based world that cares only for skin tone. You have desperately tried to incite blacks to violence, while jumping on every race hoax to hit the net. You actively engage in the intimidation of jurors, witnesses, and even the judge to get the verdict you want, not a care in the world for the truth. 2 Trials showed us just what the difference between self defense, and 3 murder 1 convictions. The race of the victim only. All other factors were, "irrelevant"

Jealousy, envy, or whatever ya wanna call it, y'all got it bad. I've lived in this part of the state for decades. I've watched Cloverdale go from a volunteer fire department, to a giant monstrosity that must have cost a fortune and gets used, never. Healdsburg is a small and historically great little town. Now it's disgusting. Day time drinkers who's walking around with their NY Jewish accents. My whole life has been a slow motion train wreck watching one long train, all smelling each other's smug ,while they give each other a reach around. Now they have reached critical mass and the place is no longer governable. They are morons and won't understand when the market acts upon the scientific laws of economics. Not their feelings. Oh man, are we about to see some hurt feelings.

My apologies to those who can't focus due to your broken attention span. Some topics deserve an actual thought, and that means words. You people are acting like victims because someone has better parents than you do. This is the absolute craziest take on fairness I have ever heard, considered, and am barely able to make this comment without yelling at the keyboard.

A man's property and personal effects, represent that man's life's work. All of the wealth his labor was able to amass in a lifetime. Man's greatest motivator is wifey, and children. He will bust his ass to work a losing farm on the hopes that by the time JR takes title, he has a productive farm. Parents will often put their needs in jeopardy in order to bet on their own children. For many, myself included, my daughter is the only reason I chose to stop being a drain on society, and started giving back. Where we come apart is in your outrageous brass balls and your ability to look me in the eye and claim you own MY money.

To buy a house, traditionally, it's not easy. First things first, ya need 20% for a down payment. For my great granny and pappa that was a whopping, $2500. Then I believe a 5 or ten year note. No 30 year "death note". They started a candy store where my great grandmother made homemade popcorn balls. Even without FDA approval. No part of this story is realistic today. Starting a business would have cost them money for years if they even made it to profitability. The expense of location, regulations, and taxes would have removed that option.

A home is the largest show for a man's life's work, and the biggest gift he has to offer his children. He earned it every step of the way. He was taxed to work through payroll taxes. He was taxed by the hours that he actually worked. He was milked for medicare and SS. He then was taken on every purchase made in Cali. After all of this he was still able to get the down payment, find the right place, and paid the loan off with time to spare. The "rental" payment he owes to the state for the privilege of "owning" a home, adjusts based upon the success of the investment. If you did well, bought a dump in a nice area, then remodeled the dump to be on par or better than the rest of the homes in the hood. You are punished. Your kids are robbed of their birthright. The jealous losers who desperately wanted anyone but you to control the home, you paid for, labored for, and maintained for your kids. They get nothing out of this. We all know the state uses our money with the respect we show monopoly money. They waste it on purpose.

I'm 40 and have 3 brothers. My folks have one house that we are going to sell to avoid any issues with the inheritance. I've seen estates that have almost nothing of value, rip families apart. The best thing you can do, is have a crystal clear and fair, will written up ahead of time.

You folks are jealous to no end. Your hatred of others success is so bad for you that it's really just hurting yourself. Coveting is a sin. Some folks make great decisions and are willing to force themselves to have a high time preference for the harder to attain things we want. Buying property requires years of practicing self control. Saving by the penny and doing it consistently. Choosing to forgo pleasures of the now, in order to get closer to the dream. Missing movies, dates, and whatever else, just to achieve something that spoiled rotten commies, act like it was given to you.


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