in #science7 years ago

Why never went back to the Moon after the 60s and 70s?

For one simple reason: it was not practical. Putting a human being on the Moon was not a scientific search, much less something useful, quite the opposite, it was simply a demonstration of power during the Cold War, a symbolic act. Once this was achieved, it did not make more sense to send human beings since the vast majority of tasks could be completed perfectly and at a fraction of the cost using probes and robots.

Anyway, now that you are thinking of going back to the Moon and going to Mars, you will use the same technologies, but improved and modernized, of the Apollo Missions. The program is called Back To The Moon and takes advantage of the proven and useful technology of the Apollo Missions. Article on the recycling of Apollo technology.

Is there any tangible evidence of the arrival?

Yes absolutely.

►The retroflectors

The Apollo 11, 14 and 15 missions installed on the Moon different sets of retroflectors, complex "mirrors" used to reflect laser beams from the ground which serve for an infinite number of experiments. Given the complexity in the calibration and installation of these "mirrors" their placement was impossible for robots of the time, so human skill and expertise were necessary. During the Lunokhod 1 and Lunokhod 2 missions the Soviets tried to install retroflectors using robots, however the task turned out to be impossible to be performed by machines and the "mirrors" ended up being much less precise and useful than those manually installed by NASA - in fact Lunokhod 1 was directly lost.

►The fragments of Surveyor 3 returned to Earth

More importantly, Mission Apollo 12 brought to Earth fragments of the historic Surveyor 3 lunar probe (approximately 10 kg of it), of which several international investigations among them from the Japanese Space Agency (JAXA) and the European Space Agency (ESA) confirmed the fragments as truly belonging to Surveyor 3 and having been exposed to lunar conditions. Given the technology of the time having collected these fragments with robots would have been practically impossible, since to extract the 100mm vidicon camera found in it, the astronauts not only had to unscrew the small rivets from their shell, but also had to Cut the wiring in very specific places.

►Did an independent source confirm the Apollo Missions?

Hundreds of radio operators and astronomers managed to track the missions and trace their source to the moon, in fact until the remains of the lunar modules were observed on the surface of the satellite and more importantly the head of the Soviet Space Program congratulated the chief in private of NASA after one of the Moon Missions of the Soviet Union captured the remains of the Lunar Module in the Sea of ​​Tranquility. On the other hand, thanks to the engineer of the Soviet Space Agency Vasali Mishin and his book "The Moon Program That Faltered" we know that the USSR used the latest military intelligence technology to track Apollo 11 and intercept its communications, and that after confirming the success of the Apollo 11 moon landing the Soviet Lunar Program collapsed completely.

Some of the most important confirmations:

  • Heinz Kaminski in charge of the Bochum observatory confirmed the truth of the Apollo 11 moon landing using the Honeysuckle Creek Tracking Station to capture the audio sent from the lunar module Eagle to Earth.

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