Explorer - The World's First 3D Total Body Medical Scanner

in #steemhunt6 years ago


The World's First 3D Total Body Medical Scanner


Screen Recording 2018-11-21 at 10.18 AM.mp4

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Hunter's comment

DAMN! Isn't that wild! To get the full effect from what this full body scanner can do you've got to see some of these videos..

"Perhaps the most exciting and novel application of this new scanning system is its ability to capture entire body images in single momentary scans. Current PET systems are fundamentally slow and inefficient due to the necessity of having to scan single slivers of the body at one time."-source

We really are living in the future folks, I also know that being in one of these things can be quite stressful and scary especially for little kids so the faster they can get their scans the better for everyone.




Hunter: @dayleeo


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This is TOO cool! In my country (Netherlands) body scans are not part of general healthcare (only used in specific cases), and is not allowed in the private sector for eg pre-scans to detect deceases in its early stage; One of the reasons: current pre-scans cannot uncover everything which will result in too many people thinking they are save, but in reality are not. With the 3D full body scan this problem may not exist: Explorer takes the next step in fighting deceases, for sure!

I was having a discussion with my friend who is dr by profession on a similar topic and I being in IT industry was quoting some latest tech that are in concept stage and he was agreeing with my point of view. However, he was also of the view that despite all these inventions that can take the medical science to the new heights, it's still a big problem that they can take at least 1 decade to be available specially in 3rd world countries. So that is the only negative side of every new invention be in the medical field or someone else otherwise this one is a great leap forward. Congrats on hunting this @dayleeo.

big ideas are ideas that "change" things. And, this is a big idea. Imagine the cost savings for medical care if we can just be scanned. Every type of doctor can see what they need. I can see a yearly scan being the cornerstone of healthcare in the near future. The only bad this is that disease is important to economies and healthy people don't produce revenue. We need a mind shift but this is incredible tech

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Here the link of the original hunting: EXPLORER

damn! sorry about that, the original still doesnt come up in search, is this something we should forward to bug reports? @pialejoana

Full body scan in one go? I wish it becomes available to public hospitals soon as it would be a big relief for a vast majority of underprivileged people. Perfect hunt @dayleeo

So update and so smart 3d Body Medical Scanner.World technology so updated..

So cool hunt

HaPpY HuNtInGl

Health is all we are seeking for and getting a diagnostic on it when somethings goes bad it is better sooner rather than later.
This full body and 3d scanner can give us at once a diagnostic over out health.

This Explorer, total-body PET scan, is a game changer for medicine. The images of the first scan (November 17th 2018) are impressive :

Do you know if there is already a schedule for its use in hospitals or is it still in test ?
Great hunt @dayleeo, very interesting project...

With the passage of time technology is more progressing with every single second. There are various things around us which are regularly used but sometimes we ignore the technology behind them. But this is a FACT that technology has made our lives so easy. Now this hunt is something special. In the field of Medical we are experiencing very dangerous diseases. The crucial part of it is diagnose. If you couldn't diagnose the disease in time then you will pay. While reading this hunt I am so happy that in Medical side technology is enhancing day by day, which is really appreciable:

Explorer - The World's First 3D Total Body Medical Scanner.

Explore seems a revolutionary invention. So lot of appreciations for your search @dayleeo. Awesome hunt and well deserved at Top Place. Keep it up

Hii @dayleeo, great and innovative hunt you dig and introduce with us, Explorer is really a great addition in the field of medical technology. Total body 3D scanner with only one device is awesome. In the current Tech compition it is best product in this field.

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