Wonders May Comes Unexpected Way Too.... 💎💰

Hi Steemians... ✍ ✍

It was my holiday and woke up a little bit late than a normal day. As usual, I just got ready and being ready to have my breakfast quickly hoping to write a steemit article as usual. While eating, I just login to my Binance account just to get an update about my spot wallet and I got shocked like a man who touches a power cable and hardly survives from the faint.

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I just stopped my eating, washed my hand, logoff from my account and tried to log in again. You won't believe that, I just forgot my password from that surprise and had to check my database to find my password again.

No, how is that possible.....❔❔❔Am I lucky this much......❔❔❔

I was still doubtful and I just pinched my neck just to ensure that I was not dreaming this morning. What a surprise it is, I had received 1 Bitcoin which is worth 37k USD and I event don't know how that happened. Anyhow, I recheck my account from my computer too and it still appears in my wallet.

I was so happy and just shared this case with my brother who always shares the crypto experience with me and he did not believe this case even after sending some screenshots of my wallet. With this happy mode, I was exploring my social media and came to know that, Elon Musk has sent three-bit coins to random persons and I was lucky enough to be one of them.

With this unexpected surprise, I was so wondering that what I will do with this winning❕❕❕

Anyhow, It is a big amount for me and can't even decide what to do with that ❔ ❔ ❔

It's worth around Sri-Lankan Rs. 7.3 Millon and this is my whole plan about what I will do with this.

I strongly believe that there is a very bright future for cryptocurrency and decided to continue with 50% in my spot wallet as an investment plan. Of course, the crypto market has been collapsed up to some level and this is a good time for further investment. I will continue with bitcoin with half of this 50% and the balance half will be invested for ADA, XRP and RUNE. I hope this would be a wise choice which will bring me good news further.

Thereafter, I will withdraw my balance 50% of the bitcoin amount and convert it to cash hoping to fulfil my other commitments.

My second commitment is to settle some debt worth Rs. 500,000.00 that was taken by me from one of my friends and I will definitely reserve that money without any further delays. This was so long pending due and always it got delayed day by day putting me in a trouble. So, this is a big relief to me and thank should go to Elon Musk.

My third commitment is to buy some gifts for my beloved who always being with me unconditional way. Due to the current covid condition, I may not able to take all of them but I will buy something special for all of them while shopping with my wife and daughter.

My fourth commitment also has been delayed for so long which buy a scooter bike for my father. I am not updated about prices and price are escalating very fastly and I believed that it would cost me around Rs. 350,000.00. He will be definitely happy with this and I am so excited to see it.

Also, I will spend some money on buying school stuff like books, bags, shoes, etc for helpless kids as I always like to do as much as I can.

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As a fifth commitment, I will resume the construction activities of my upper floor and I hope that I will manage all balance works within the balance amount of cash.

So, Friends, This is how I would spend my money and time and so excited to see how others will do.

Thank you for spending your time reading my post and hope you would join with @dawngrapher again.

Have a Good day.....👊👊👊

By @dawngrapher

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63635.72
ETH 2597.20
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.91