Unforgettable memories - Behind The Photo Contest Entry

in #behindthephoto5 years ago (edited)
I am very happy to participate in this new contest directed by @nelyp, besides that I have been invited and I am very happy to do it, to tell you a story, a good walk and the good things that through these sunsets I knew beautiful emotions and were captured wonderful moments, not so much for me but for these people, for this beautiful city. First of all, I will only put the digital process of developing one of the most important pictures for me, well let's start!


-Resultado final de esta maravillosa fotografía

You know here the crime is a little aggressive, I will start my story highlighting that, the city has beautiful landscapes but because of the economic situation it is complicated to go out to the streets to take pictures, although I have dared hahaha, I always had an affinity for landscape photography, urban photography, but it was or still is difficult for me. A couple of years ago they built a shopping center with a beautiful terrace, every time I went to take a coffee I could taste those beautiful landscapes, it was something inevitable, after a beautiful rain the colors stand out all over the city, creating beautiful colors and giving beautiful sunsets, maybe my camera is not so suitable to capture as these landscapes should, but honestly I could not let it go.

There is a path that I always take to get to that place, it is magical when the sun goes down, I leave here a picture taken with a 3mpx phone, hahaha if 3mpx, of my first photographs, I personally love walking.

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-Esta ciudad tiene mucho que ofrecer, para mi esta fotografía representa mi amor hacia la fotografía, no es la mejor fotografia del mundo, pero me hace sentir una paz enorme!.

After seeing many times what that place could offer, I prepared my camera and in several occasions I went to capture photos, looking for a magic moment, really not even imagine the sunsets that I witnessed, sometimes I was amazed, first I tried with the simple landscape photography, capturing the sky, to get used to it, the place if it is safe, in the terrace, so I could take my time, I went several times, for weeks, almost a month in total to look for capturing the photos that I wished, what my eyes were longing for.

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-A mi me gusta colocar las fotos crudas sin edición ni revelado, me gusta que las personas puedan ver realmente como capturó la cámara este momento, para que puedan apreciar la magia de la fotografía en su máxima expresión artística!!.

In my first week I walked and visualized the varied options that could be given to me there, I like to think that a good photograph is born from the moment, but technically speaking we must also calculate and make our best movements as photographers and above all be very patient, sometimes we do not know when the best moment will come and we must be prepared in a technical way.


-El mar y las montañas al final le dan un toque muy fenomenal a la fotografía, otra vez, la foto esta cruda sin tocarla, a veces cuando cae el sol, se torna de ese color rojizo el horizonte!!

Now let's go to the interesting part, I will leave here a series of photos that I made and then I will explain how the process of each one of them was, this until arriving at the wished result:


This photograph was taken by a canon 20D with a 18-55mm lens, one of the first I managed to take, I don't really know how it will look here, excuse the quality, each photograph I took has a different style of developing and editing, and some have different techniques! That day it had rained, the sun was falling and I stood in my loneliness watching the sunset little by little, I really didn't feel very well that day, but that sunset drew a smile on my face, I took the camera out and captured it, I remember that that day I had only gone to have a coffee, but I took the camera because a part of me knew that maybe at some point, and only maybe I would take it out to take a picture, whatever the result was!!

That day I decided to keep trying and improve...


For the second picture I wanted to look for something more conceptual not oriented to colors but to a story behind, honestly my goal was only to capture the landscape, the clouds and the black and white solo, in a vertical format to highlight the greatness of the sky and reflect its beauty with an aggressive contrast, giving a sense of protagonism to the clouds, but the destiny is curious, hahaha in that instant a boy stood there and I looked at him to see what he was doing, I only had to move a few centimeters to capture the backlight of the subject, thus giving a background to the scene, managing to get this picture that has remained forever in my collection of favorite photographs, I showed the photo to the boy and was delighted with it, I am glad to think that he knew it was part of something beautiful, art!!!



For these photographs I really waited a couple of hours, my goal was to get a couple of photographs reflecting the world in its natural environment, having the world talk to me, people walking, appreciating the sunset, everyday life, a little bit of urban photography, also captured with the Canon 20D with a 18-55mm lens, there on the terrace there is a glass floor, I really wanted to reflect the sunset there, whatever happened, I just wanted to capture it, those colors fascinated me, although of course behind every picture there is also a technical approach, as far as the composition is concerned you have to be as persuasive as possible, apply the rule of thirds, a fundamental rule in photography to give rhythm and balance to the picture, as my teacher said, to give flavor haha, place the elements in the right place in the right way, gives us the best result, always before taking the picture, we must portray it in our mind, as similar as possible, the angle, the light we want, the colors, the concept, it is better to be patient, and build a good picture, we must think well about what we want to do and why we want to do it and what we want to achieve with it!!



With this photograph I was getting closer to my objective, how can I reflect love in my photographs, these colors will give me the concept, how can I portray them but in a different way, how can I express myself, I also thought that these people wanted to have a worthy memory, to have that magic photograph that many couples desire. They are two friends, a nice couple in love, this time I invited them with the purpose of including familiar people this time in my photographs, this series of photographs.

I used a 50mm, I wanted to try something different, try with silhouettes but at the same time reflect everything I wanted, the colors, the landscape, the subjects and the concept, that's why I thought of the Eskimo kiss, because in this way their silhouettes did not mix when they kissed, the way to express pure love but without forgetting the objective of the photograph, which is, that it could be understood and that it reflected love in a pure way, so their silhouettes were well portrayed and at the same time what they felt, they are still together and that photograph is a work of art that they will treasure and be grateful for forever But what if I told them that it was not enough for me?, There was still something missing!


With this we arrive at the last photograph, the final objective, this photograph the plane the same day I took, but I already had the focus and ideas from my first photos in that magical place, these people who participate are a current couple, in that At that time they were not, but if they felt love for each other but none had dared to take the first step, I like to think that this photograph helped something.

I always highlight the fact that you should think about photography much earlier, visualize it, I am not very good with colors, my creative process always leaves the colors last in my approach, but still we get something magical.

I really wanted to reflect the scene, I wanted it to look like water, I wanted bright colors, in the best possible way, so I thought about the most magical photograph that could occur to me, a beautiful sunset, a couple full of love, the reflection of his silhouettes portraying the said love, like a poem, the beautiful clouds, with bright colors, comes from emotions, like pure love, while he wanted the sunset to reflect greatness, nature above all of us, wonderful as it should be .

In the first attempt I did not find the correct pose, their silhouettes mixed and did not let them portray what I wanted, as in the previous photograph, I had to find a way to reflect passion, love, so I opted for a pose of the beginning of a dance romantic haha ​​I am a cheesy person I know, but the result left me very happy. Thus were the first attempts and the raw final photograph:


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The selection process is also sometimes complicated, but after much practice and experience, we can rely on our decisions and get more right and the choice of the right photograph

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After the election there was only the development and editing of our photography, here I leave some captures of the creative process. Sometimes we come to believe that the edition is a taboo, it has been my turn to meet many photographers who still think that the edition is something wrong, but it has really existed since analog photography, it's just that we have facilitated the process with this new era digital, and these programs or software give us all the tools for more comfort I always say "The world is our canvas, creativity has no limits, the limit you put it, so just free and create, and create everything you can, as you wish, if you want a work of art go for it "

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I took these final photographs with a Nikon D3100, and an 18-55mm, a little revealed for the colors and other settings, I am not very good with the colors but I did the best I could haha, for my eye it is a bit complicated to work the color !, also my team is not the best, I try to do the best with what I have! After this process there is only the edition and colorimetry to achieve what I had in mind, what I planned, the picture I imagined in my head, and I am very happy with the result, I could reflect something good, something I will never forget, a moment beautiful and the beginning of a beautiful love between two souls that are for each other.

These were my last photographs in that place, then it was forbidden to take photos with reflex cameras unfortunately, you have to pay to get a permit, I know that soon you may come back and I can get the permission to take more photos, I hope you can , I am still going to have a coffee, although I can no longer portray those landscapes, they are still stored in my memories !!!

For these pictures use the following equipment: Canon 20D camera, Canon 18-55mm lens, for other pictures the Nikon d3100, using a Nikkor 18-55mm, and in certain pictures the 50mm 1.8 Nikkor mark III, use single tripod sony, for some pictures, for the whole development process use Camera Raw 10.0 and Photoshop CS6 AND CC

Thank you very much @nelyp for inviting me, I couldn't compose a piece for the background in time haha, but for the next one I will give my best effort to make it possible. Well to finish, I invite you all to participate in this contest, very cool, full of good vibes and a lot of talent, down here I will leave the link, go, read it and participate:




"A veces solo debes bajar la cámara y fijarte en lo que hay en frente de ti, no hay mejor cámara que nuestros ojos, mejor memoria que nuestros recuerdos, la vida solo se vive una vez, los buenos momentos te lo agradecerán"


Thank you @davidsuarezms for your entry! Very nice portrayal of love. Good luck in the contest!

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