Passion - Original Song // by @davidsuarezms
Como están todos?, espero estén teniendo un día muy productivo y provechoso, les he traído esta composición original de mi persona "Passion", es un poco especial porque me gustaría dedicársela a todas esas personas que siempre nos apoyan acá, no hace falta mencionarlos, porque ellos saben bien quienes son y nos brindan siempre su mano, estar acá es una gran experiencia y un enorme aprendizaje para mi, así que esto es para ustedes, se que lo aprecian así como yo los aprecio a todos, gracias por tanto amigos, y espero lo disfruten, fuerte abrazo a todos!!! Sigamos compartiendo buena música entre todos con mucha dedicación y alegría!!
How are you all, I hope you are having a very productive and profitable day, I have brought you this original composition of my person "Passion", it is a bit special because I would like to dedicate it to all those people who always support us here, there is no need to mention them, because they know well who they are and they always give us their hand, being here is a great experience and a huge learning for me, so this is for you, I know you appreciate it as much as I appreciate all of you, thanks for so much friends, and I hope you enjoy it, big hug to all of you! Let's keep sharing good music with each other with a lot of dedication and joy!

Wow! I loved it - very interesting style of holding the chords at the beginning. When I grow up I hope I can play half as good as you. This was great 👍🏾 How about some reggae flavor next time?