Impeachment Support EXPLODES...from REPUBLICANS!

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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--Support for impeaching Donald Trump explodes, including among Republicans, whose support for an impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump has nearly tripled in two weeks

Will this trend continue?

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I'm from the UK and when we had the Brexit referendum, me and a lot of other people I know didn't vote to remain even though that was what we wanted to do. We were discussing it several times before hand an just could not see it happening, so wasn't worried about it and most of us didn't vote. Big mistake!

I think that is what happened with the last American election, a lot of Hilary supporters may of thought, shes got this, and just didn't think they needed to vote. They won't make the same mistake again. Plus with all the people he has angered while in office, and the republicans like you said that just choose not to vote rather than vote democrat, I think he will lose.

Personally though I would love to see him disgraced by being impeached.

Won't happen. In Minnesota tonight he more than doubled his crowd size, over a hundred thousand people applied online for tickets with estimates that forty five thousand showed up to a rally that could only hold slightly over twenty in a heavily democratic area. What would compel that many people out? support someone they feel is doing the best they can for the country.

It's true I don't think he will be impeached, but I do think he will lose the next election. Let's wait and see.

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In order for him to lose the next election they are going to have to come up with a more viable candidate then what's currently being offered. The party raking in hundreds of millions of campaign dollars right now is the republican party. Corporations and people donating don't want a socialist type agenda, they may hate Trump but they love their money more. For that matter so does everyone else in between as they have the fortitude to see what's coming down the pipeline in the way of implementation of new taxes, especially after all these millionaires and billionaires these candidate lay claim they are going to force to pay for these program leave this country. People aren't stupid.

We do have a problem with so many people being uninsured in this country, something that has grown over the years with the loss of jobs. It use to be people got a pretty good benefit package when hired into jobs. Since globalization many have left the country for cheap slave labor abroad and the many of the one's who remain workforce have transitioned a pretty good percentage of their employees over to temporary employment agencies to avoid having to keep a human resource office, paid benefits, and regulatory cost such as workers and unemployment compensation. Temporary employment agencies run one of the most lucrative for profit insurance offerings there other words it's high priced and offers the minimum possible benefits so workers opt not to buy into them. Pretty much this is why Americans view paying a few pennies/bucks more for a product would offset the cost loss in comparison to their cheap imported counterparts shipping their products in here, counterparts who have lost them their jobs, decent wages, benefits and the American dream.

As far as this free college thing why do you really think all these politicians push this so hard?....maybe because historically it's always been them who have footed the bill to send their kids to college. Even when Hillary ran her proposal would have only benefited those with means. These colleges have billions, not millions but billions in held in trust funds. Why should that be allowed to stand while other people foot the bill for so-called everyone's right to go to college? A light bulb should go off in your mind when someone like Bernie the supposed small time millionaire had to pay several hundred thousand for his kid(s) to go to college, I am sure that hurt his bottom line for a quick minute or two.

Why are Democrats holding impeachment hearings behind closed doors?

Why are they refusing to allow Republicans to question witnesses?

Why are they only releasing portions of transcripts?

Why won't they hold a vote?

They want to undo the 2016 election in total secrecy

Outrage! 😤

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“Among Republicans, ... almost 3 in 10 [support the impeachment inquiry] and almost one-fifth of Republicans say they favor a vote recommending his removal.
Among ... independents, support for the impeachment inquiry hits 57 percent, with 49 percent [supporting impeachment].”

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Hahaha you know what's basically laughable? Trump always tweeting saying 95% republican support, thank you" haha in whatever pool really, I think this time he might be done for really and I want to see how he comes out of this one

Ha, ha forty five thousand people showed up to support their president in Minnesota tonight, that's over double his crowd size. Doesn't seem like support for him is dwindling to me.

Now Trump is getting covered from all sides ! The number of people who wanna get Trump questioned and get answers from him is growing really quick these days and if just keeps on growing then Trump may fall very soon ! And support for that too is growing really big !

really looking forwards what we have in the coming days and what will be Trump's next move !

Bring Popcorn !

The only thing I see growing is the number of people willing to come out to his rally's and support him during this fake impeachment crap, over forty five thousand last night, that's over double his normal attendance.

A house vote would go a long way to justify all your hot air.
Have "they" even specified an actual charge for impeachment?

And none of them fought in Normandy!

If a lot of people want inpeachment to Trump, it's not impossible Trump's career will end this year .

I don't think trump will stay this time.There is no chance .People are not willing to support trump!

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

I don't even need to listen to this to realize what a fallacy it really is. Thursday night showed that when over forty thousand people showed up to attend his rally, right in the heart of Omar's democratic district Trump literally doubled his crowd size. That tells me people didn't care, they showed up knowing full well their chances of getting inside would be slime...but it was the support factor that counted.

What did the left have to contribute?....a thousand people willing to throw urine, rocks, bottles, set things on fire and block the path of people trying to exit. How truly pathetic.

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