Trump Misspells "Libel" in Furious Erratic Outburst

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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--Donald Trump misspells "libel" and "liable" in another furious and erratic outburst on Twitter

Should Kavanaugh sue for "liable?"

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Came here to speak about the "distraction game" that you get to at the end of the article. This all strikes me as distraction theater, and milking some unsustainably distracting goose.

That being said -- what are your thoughts on the fact that, for better or worse, having this segment as part of your show is in some sense participating in trying to play the same game -- isn't it? Is there a valid way to get away from talking about all this twitter-typo and libel lawsuit fluff, while still speaking to the fact that Brett Kavanaugh has numerous sexual assault accusations -- or does the act of the president (arguably the loudest voice in any room) twitter-shouting about nonsense obfuscate the real discussion so substantially that you can't really get away from it?

I have discussed the latest Kavanaugh stories on my show, so I think we can do both

Have you investigated / reviewed any differences in analytics on viewership for, say:

  • Dicussing these issues with the pre-amble that may (or may not) include the twitter / fluff covered by traditional mainstream media sources; versus
  • Getting straight into the meat of the discussion / topic at hand, whilst avoiding the "click bait" twitter-esque headlines that is propograted by those other outlets.

Or do you find that, since that's a message that's being delivered by the 'big hitters' in MSM, that it's almost a requirement that you speak to those minor points as well as the important bits?

I would imagine you and your team have, maybe not a strong 'formula', but, 'understanding' of how to compile your show. It's more that, on a personal level, I have a hard time maintaining attention when conversation starts to swirl around the Twitters.

(Thanks for responding, btw.)

You know when the end is near, many brain cells start to function (which were either dormant or non-existent for entire presidential term) randomly without any correlation. This might be the situation with Donald Trump now. I feel sorry for this Dude, as he in not Gonna make it to the next term, but we can't underestimate him, Trump Russian friends and those donation from his empathizers can stir the game and into his favor. I do believe ugly miracle.

Donald Trump need English Grammar Lessons, Vocabulary Lessons and also lessons for how to use mouth to communicate to the outside world.

@davidpakman, In my opinion when people showcase Furiousness and try to express then many times miss the logic about what they are speaking or how they are using their spells. 😁

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