Caller says I'm the Ben Shapiro of the that a compliment?

in #politics7 years ago

Funny call, I can't decide whether this is a compliment or smear


Ben Shapiro is a very intelligent young man with a large audience and wide reaching voice. Take it as a big compliment, whether it was meant as one or not. :p

ahh, point taken

I think the caller definitely intended it as a compliment. Unfortunately a lot of progressives who dont like identity politics see Shapiro as an intellectual, because he brought up a few valid points regarding the new feminists and SJW's, but otherwise, I don't think I've heard him make sense about anything else. All I see, is him spew nonsense at 180 mph. And if the caller knew any better, I don't think he would have drawn any parallels between you two.

take it as a compliment

Idk how Ben Shapiro is even a point of comparison? Part of my diss (sorry to be that person, but it's relevant) covers a lot of contemporary right-wing media, so I've been a daily listener of several right-wing programs, for about two years. Until the past month, I listened—daily, every f***ing weekday— to both Shapiro and Laura Ingraham. I just looked at my Shapiro "listening notebook," and I can't find there, nor think of, any similarities between you two! Nothing beyond your both being male political commentators.

He's always in manic overdrive, often trying to convince his listeners of absurdly quirky hot takes of his (a trait I think is the result of his kinda being alt-right, then denouncing that crew due to its anti-Semitism being unavoidable any longer), which you can't really place coherently on the left-right spectrum. I've always enjoyed your program b/c it's political "easy listening."

Y'all just ain't the same, IMHO.

The end, per me.

very detailed comment, thanks!

I try. 👨‍💻

I guess I kind of respect Ben Shapiro, but only in the sense that he is actually well spoken and witty. His political views however, tend to be very absolutist and leave absolutely no room for nuanced discussion.

I think Ben would be much more efficient as a communicator if he would learn to move away from the verbal knife throwing with the "its just a fact, I'm sorry it hurts " caveat... he might even be right sometimes, but who can actually sit there and take in the "information" when his intention was to feed his ego with self righteousness, not to educate, or even really debate.

Sometimes the uncertain compliments are the best ones.

On a side note, his nickname "Q", I wonder if it is a Star Trek Next Generation reference?

Well, I certainly wouldn’t like being compared to a turd, that’s for sure.

This is logically reasoning, I am in a state of dilemma, I will consider it to be a compliment.

I would take that as a compliment, certainly.

Communists are the Ben Shapiros of the left if you're talking technically

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