Isabella tiger moth

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year


Isabella tiger moth been regarded as Pyrrharctia isabella because of their larval banded woolly bear some specie's of insects look alike but might not be the same due to environment /weather conditions changes usually occured on them. Happy weekend everyone and trust your weekend so far was good! I welcome you all to my blog and world of xpilar community where nature photography, art and drawing with originality are rewards for the good work/efforts.

Whenever there is light in darkening environment especially if the place is very close to the bush or big forest surely you should expect that you might welcome such visitor; they are easily attracted by light, who doesn't love light than darkness as well? I bet everyone will love light than blackout hehehe, after the prayers programme I sat up from here to greet people's in-between I came back to sit and found this ladd on the chair.








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