Another Deal From The Store Called, Curry's

in #life5 years ago (edited)


So I got this case of 12 units of 5.3 ounces of Dannon peach greek yogurt. You know I wanted to check out how much this case cost. Well, on Amazon a case of 12 of 5.3 ounce units cost $46.88. That is amazing to me.

You see I got the case for only $1.99. Yes, that cheap. Well, the catch is that it is close to date. Well, the savings is worth the close date. I mean this is still within date, but close to date.

Well, lets see, it normally costs $46.88 from Amazon and I get it from Curry's a discount store at $1.99 cause this product is close to date, but not past date. So that is a savings of $44.89. Just pennies on the dollar.

Of course I don't get deals like this everyday, but sometimes they do come and if you got some cash you could take advantage of the savings.

I have tried buying other cases of yogurt before and they all taste good and none of them were ever bad.

It is that not too many people know of this store. It is in the middle of nowhere. It even has a big field next to the store with a railroad track near it.

The only reason I even heard of this store is that a friend of my mom's told me about it. So I check it out on the computer then went down there. Well, if someone doesn't mind the date thing then this may be the place to go.

So most of the store advertising is word of mouth. Well, this is how I learned of this store.

There was one time where I saw a big wheel of cheese, a whole wheel for 30 pounds for only 30 dollars. That is unheard of. I have never seen that deal again, but if I did see it again I will be the first to buy it. Then I would cut it all up and put some in the refrigerator and most in the freezer. Some people say that cheese doesn't taste the same after frozen, well no more than the cheese on a frozen pizza.

Well, you would have to freeze most of it as you wouldn't be able to eat it all just being stored in the refrigerator as it will eventually go bad there. I know that is what I did, but next time if that deal ever comes again I will know better.

If one likes rice, they not too long ago had 20 pounds of Jasmine rice for $9.99 or $0.4995 per pound. Well that is not too bad. You know at Costco a 50 pound bag of Jasmine rice cost $36.99. That is $0.73 a pound. So if one would buy three bags of 20 pounds for a total of 60 pounds for the cost of $29.97. That is a really good deal.

I didn't take advantage of that deal as I thought there would still be time. Well, sometimes if you don't take advantage of the deal that day, then you may lose the deal as someone else may even buy the whole pallet.

I did buy 2.5 pounds of coffee beans for $4.99. That is $1.996 per pound. That's a good deal. I better buy more. I use my Vitamix to grind the coffee beans.

Do you like to save the coffee grounds and put them in the plants? I save all my old coffee grounds. The egg shells too. You can really build up the soil with coffee grounds and broken down egg shells.

Oh yes, I just bought a flat of 30 small eggs for $1.49. That is a really good deal. How do you like your eggs? I like them really fast. So I do the Rocky Balboa way of instant breakfast.

Yes, I just crack 4 eggs open and put them in a cup. Then I just drink them up. I like it that way.

So this is a good store, that goes by word of mouth and sometimes they have some terrific sales. I just have to make sure to always visit when I have the time.

Let's end with a scripture, A just weight and balance the LORD'S: all the weights of the bag his work. Proverbs 16:11.

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Moto G.



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