Fazanda Ipanema, Floresta Nacional de Ipanema, São Paulo, Brasil - Minúsculo Planeta Fotos

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago (edited)

The Historical Site of The Ipanema Farm, Including The Royal Iron Factory of São João
de Ipanema, Floresta Nacional de Ipanema,
São Paulo, Brasil

Hi! 😃 This post is about the historical site of the Ipanema Farm, which includes the buildings and the Royal Iron Factory of São João de Ipanema, located at the Floresta Nacional de Ipanema, near Sorocaba, 120 km from São Paulo, Brazil.

Casa de Armas Brancas, the main building located at the Ipanema Farm in São Paulo, Brazil.

It is a prominent historical site as it contains important archaeology which dates back before the arrival of the colonizers in Brazil. In 1589, after an expedition, two iron forges were constructed by Afonso Sardinha and his son which are recognized by the World Association of Steel Producers as the first attempt to manufacture iron on American soil. There is a large, diverse mineral deposit here, with magnetite being the main ore which was used in the Royal Iron Factory of São João de Ipanema in 1810.

A tiny planet pic of the bridge at the site, made in England and transported to Brazil in 1811.

When we visited the site, I took my 360 degree camera and I took a number of and diverse amount of 360 degree photos, which I later converted into tiny planet and inverted tiny planet photos. So, in this post, you can see some of these artistic images.

An inverted tiny planet pic inside the Casa de Armas Brancas, the workshop where various metal items & weapons were produced, especially during the period of the Paraguayan War.

A tiny planet image of the same pic.

An interesting tiny planet image taken on the top floor of the Casa de Armas Brancas.

Inside the main building found on the site, there are various pieces of machinery and equipment still preserved and found here. I placed my 360 degree camera amongst this machinery and took a few 360 degree images. When converted into a tiny planet format, they make for some very interesting and striking macro and close-ups of the equipment in this building, which you can see below! 😉

One of the tiny planet pics I took of the machinery in the main building.

Another interesting tiny planet pic of the machinery or parts in this building.

Inverted tiny planet pic of the machinery.

An interesting perspective - as you can see here.

In another part of the site, you can find the buildings connected to the casting furnaces - the Fornos de Fundição, which, again, make for some very interesting and artistic 360 and tiny planet images. Have a look below and see what you think!

A pic taken from one of the furnace rooms/buildings at the Ipanema Farm, São Paulo.

In another part of the location, near the lake, there is the Casa da Guarda, which was originally an old mineral deposit and transformed and converted into a military prison & barracks in 1811.

This pic was taken on the top floor of the Casa da Guarda.

Taken from a window on the top floor of the guardhouse at this location.

On the spiral staircase, or steps next to the door/entrance of the guardhouse at Fazenda Ipanema.

In the final batch of image, you can see some interesting perspectives and angles created when I took some 360 images amongst the bamboo canes found next to the lake and then I converted these pics into tiny planets.

The vertical straight structures are warped when converted into tiny planets.

Another image showing the distortion of the canes when changed to a tiny planet.

One final image of the distorted bamboo canes - tiny planet image.

I hope you liked the post and enjoyed learning a bit about the Brazilian culture and history and also liked my artistic tiny planet photos?

Thanks to the moderators, members and contributors on @theworldofxpilar page...and I hope it was a useful and interesting contribution and post to the @xpilar community... and see you soon - tchau! 😊 👍

Visit my blog and photography through the link below:


Thanks For Reading.

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 4 years ago 


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Wow! Your photos are beautiful! It looks like you took them with a 360 ° lens camera

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