
Cheers! ALLI OOP!! um, i mean.... Yeahhh! ⚾️ Gramma's favourite sport! But she only watches the Blue Jays. Do the Cubs play baseball? Isn't that what your favorite blue hoodie says? Where I am from in Cannabia we call those sweaters "bunny hugs". Have you heard of that before? Lulz

The Cubs do play baseball.. i've not heard of bunny hugs.. sounds kinky tho

Didn't realize you were a beer guy!!

So lately I'm trying to do more marketing and some side projects... not much chilling out for me lately except for some light gaming... have a good weekend!!!

You gotta have something to cure the cotton mouth..

I never could get down with Hefeweizen, even when I lived in Germany. There's just too much going on in that beer. I need some piss water I can just pour down my gullet. I'm old fashioned like that.

Hefeweizen German for flaccid penis

Dude ! Don't drink nothing called flaccid penis, it could have bad side effects !

No, that would be jagermeister

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