Green Business Ideas - 6th Session| cans recycling

in Steem Entrepreneurs8 months ago
Hello wonderful friends and family, I greet you'll in the name of God, God has been faithful and thank God for everything. I bring you warm greetings from my part of world, I specially want to thank @harferri for a wonderful contest for steemians to show how they protect the green house effect which I am about to share mine too so keep reading down friends.

Before I start I want to warmly invite my following friends to show their participation as they read through post and they are;. @josepha @kuzboy @ishayachris

Honestly, alot of human activity is affecting the Ozone layer which is a layer covering the solar radiation from the atmosphere to protect humans or living things entirely. They're many ways of recycling and many more which I will be sharing on my ideas and how I have been of help to the greenhouse effect by doing my best of recycling already used cans or containers.

These are used cans already, I picked the used cans from wedding ceremony, naming and also the ones I have consumed from my home. Normally, it is advisible to be used just once and after usage it should be trashed out but I think of a way not to burn them up but rather recycle them by doing this👇


I take my time to wash the cans very well with a warm clean water, reasons because some of the cans have stayed up to a week with out being washed which will definitely have an odour. After washing with a little detergent, I rinse with clean warm water again to look neat and then the covers also, I made sure they are well washed. Next, I allow the containers to dry up.


Gruel is one of the beverages we love to drink in my part of the world, It can also be called corn beverage. This is processed by grinding the soaked corn, boil hot water and turn it into the grinded soaked corn after which the next day, I will filter it, add sugar to make it sweet and ready for consumption


Next, at this moment I will start refilling the cans I washed, the refilling of the gruel or corn beverage into the container is so easy, the only thing we need is to get a cup ready and then start refilling the can bottles and covering them with the covers so tightly.

My business


Lastly, I will arrange them in the fridge to get cold. This is harmattan period in my part of the world and this is a season where people gets thirsty easily so doing this is another source of income for me. My entire expenses is, the corn is 2 measures which is 500 per measure i.e 1000 naira which is steem equivalent to 3.5 steem and the sugar I bought was for 300 naira, steem equivalent to 1.7 steem. Therefore all I spent in total is 1300 naira and selling each bottle of these will be hundred naira and customers still rush it.

In conclusion friends, lets learn to keep our world safe by protecting the natural resources that surrounds us and there are somany ways of recycling the used resources because trashing and burning them cause alot of harvoke to the atmospheric resources which helps us in one way or the order. Thank you all for reading through my post, and I wait to see your warm comments and reply.

I love you all...

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