in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)

Every day we face battles that are there that many times we do not see but that is a reality, battles that make it difficult for us to win because we certainly do not identify or not; We do not understand that our fight is not against blood and flesh, it is against principalities

This is how the Bible describes it in the following verses:

Ephesians 6:12-14
12 For we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore, put on the whole armor of God, so that you can resist in the evil day, and having finished everything, stand firm. 14 Stand firm therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and put on the breastplate of righteousness


One of the great challenges for the church is knowing how to distinguish the times we are living in, knowing how to distinguish between the spiritual struggle and others of a social, personal or political nature. In this order of ideas, individual believers and groups of believers are easily drawn into battle against human adversaries, instead of fighting through prayer against the invisible maneuvers of hell that are behind the scenes since the fight is not against us. or against a brother or another person the fight is against principalities

And what is a principality? a principality is a commander a principality that has a hierarchy that attacks people to bring ruins swords division and all kinds of evil to humanity; besides, a principality is a commander who has an army to command under him, he has atmospheric powers... Do you remember when Jesus was in the boat when the storm arose and he had to rebuke the winds? which means that the devil has power but he is not almighty, the only almighty is called Jesus Christ, that is why he rebuked the winds and there was a bonanza because immediately the winds obeyed him

In this sense, the Bible advises us to resist the devil and he will flee from us, for which we must submit to God, because in addition to principalities there are also governors and spiritual hosts of evil that work 24 hours a day to do evil.
Powers is a power that dominates this world of darkness, demons that have the power to control entire bodies but the interesting thing is that God knows what is going to happen and is putting an arsenal anointing to be able to resort to victory

The spiritual hosts are chains of demons that are formed in the air and fulfill the function of stealing the blessings but you have to fight and help the angels in prayer to God so that your blessings arrive

No one outside of Christ in the spiritual world has power, it is the demons that destroy and ruin but God is almighty and gives us his armor to be able to resist these principalities through prayer, reading, fasting...

You and I are responsible for destroying those limitations, those troops of angels that prevent your blessing from lowering, we have the authority of God to understand all these things and put on the armor of God


Es muy cierto la oración y bendecir en todo momento a Dios con nuestras bendiciones hará que el enemigo se aleje, es el tiempo de ponernos las armaduras de Dios para dar nuestra batalla ante el mal

Truth to be told our Bible is the sword we need to use for this warfare, and by that I mean knowing the word of God and having them at your finger tips. For we wrestle not against flesh but against principalities and powers

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