in HeartChurch3 years ago

The world is hurt and cannot provide peace because it certainly does not exist in his heart and man will never be able to give what he does not have, although many people believe they find peace in material things, this will not fill them or bring them peace inside because the only one that can give inner peace is called Jesus Christ

Jesus offers the peace that our wounded world cannot provide He offers us that peace today so that we can live a healthy and balanced life based on the foundations of his word.
Will the path to God be difficult to find full freedom? Of course not, to find God and experience the true freedom that man or woman needs is not difficult, it is enough that you decide to lift your eyes and believe in your heart that God is real and that this emptiness that you feel is not fill with nothing is precisely the lack of God in your life

When God created the universe everything absolutely everything was perfect and at the beginning of time there was nothing and God came and put order and created life but this perfection ended when humans preferred to get away from God and pursue things that they believed would make them happy but they were wrong again because only God makes man fully happy

Nothing in this world or what the world offers can solve the problem of the heart of humanity specifically in the interior of its soul because man without God will always have that emptiness that belongs to God and is the only one who can. fill it up, bring you peace and give you freedom

Where God is there is true freedom


This is how the psalmist David expressed it when referring to the true freedom that God offers

Psalm 119: 45
I will live with all freedom,
because I have sought your precepts.

"God has told us through His prophets that we are free to choose between good and evil. We can choose freedom and eternal life by following Jesus Christ; we are also free to choose captivity and death as a result of following Jesus. Satan"
We can also say that only through Jesus Christ can we achieve that peace that is sought so much but can never be found because it is badly sought where there is none.

Through his gospel, Jesus Christ provides us with an inner peace that surpasses the peace that the world offers. If we trust Him with faith, we can feel peace in any circumstance even in the worst moments of life since only God can strengthen our spirits and give us strength in the midst of pain.

El Salvador taught:

John 14:27
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you; I don't give it to you like the world gives it ”

The path to God is not impossible, it is easy and light his yoke as he himself said. God is able to give us that lasting peace that only he knows how to give, not the peace of the world because the peace that the world offers is a fictitious and temporary peace, in addition God wants to give you salvation and freedom so that you can live in peace with yourself and with others.


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