in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

For you to see prosperity, economic freedom in your life, you have to learn to be free internally. You have to break the conditioning that the world has given you. Pablo, on multiple occasions, tells you about the importance of renewing your thoughts, renewing your way of thinking, of not conforming to this century. That expression refers to the religious system that has marked your way of thinking. Until you break those ideas, you can not promote your life to a new level.

"2 Beloved, I desire that you be prospered in all things, and be in health, just as your soul prospers." 3 John 2

Your soul has to grow, it has to change, it must prosper first, so that the finances follow and persecute you. There are several thoughts that as a believer you must have, that are in the word of the Lord, and that make the difference between a Christian and the world. These principles also apply in the natural world; but, as believers, we have the advantage of God's promise for our lives. There are natural laws that govern the world; we have an amplifier, which is the Holy Spirit. If you apply these principles in your life, with the help and power of the Holy Spirit, the results you should have are magnified even more.


The first thought we have to learn is to think and dream in the future. Live today, but do not live for today; He lives in the present, but not for the present. Do not live to solve your problems today. Enjoy the present, what you have today; learn to be like Paul said in Philippians, content in abundance and scarcity; live in today. Do not be thinking about the past and do not worry about the future; He lives in the present, but not for the present. Living in the present and for the present, is when your goal is only survival, solve for today. It is one thing for God to tell you that you have to live in the now, but the promises He gives you are always for tomorrow.

A promise is for the future, it manifests itself for the future. God tells you that he is with you today, but he promises you what he will do tomorrow. God always gave a vision of the future to everyone with whom He spoke. Abraham leaves the land of his father, to look to the future; God tells him that he will give him the promised land. Later, he clarifies: Within 400 years, your generations will have that promise. Therefore, Abraham walked the earth with the promise of the future, of tomorrow; looking, not today; As I looked to the future and looked to God, every step I took, prospered and progressed.

People with mental and emotional poverty, always live in the now, thinking how to solve the now, how to economize today. That's the difference between a merchant and an entrepreneur; the entrepreneur is willing to take a loss in a transaction today, to safeguard a relationship with a client for tomorrow; while the merchant does not look to the future, but prefers not to lose today in this transaction. In the same way, in relationships, there are those who can not see in the relationship towards the future, and treat you as if today were the only day that you would see. But, people who prosper, understand that the promises of God are for the future, for tomorrow; the manifestation of God's promises is for tomorrow; therefore, they begin to have dreams, visions; they look at their relationships and their finances not for today, but for tomorrow; they invest their money towards tomorrow, towards the future.

Of course, this can not be done without a very important factor.

"9 Let us not be weary, then, of doing good; for in due season we will reap, if we do not lose heart. "Galatians 6: 9

You have to learn to look to the future, to enjoy today, but not live for today, but for tomorrow; live today, and think about the future, the results, the promises of God. Live today, enjoy today, you are in the present, but do not live in the present, live for what God promised you. But this can not happen, if you do not have patience. This does not happen, if you do not do what Galatians 6 says; You have to have patience to harvest in the future. If you do not have patience, you get tired; and, if you get tired and faint, cancel yourself your harvest.

One of the reasons why it is very complicated for some to look at tomorrow is because they have little patience, they have not learned to wait on the Lord. You can not prosper, progress, if you do not have patience; and, if patience does not do the complete work in you.

Live in the present, enjoy and live what you have today, but live for tomorrow; may your present actions be knowing that you are creating a future; but you can not live for that present and for that future, if you do not learn to have patience, and trust that you will have results.

Change your way of thinking, visualize yourself towards the future and see all that God has for you.


Amen e must believe what God has promised us, live the present as the future anchored to the promises in an ongoing relationship with Jesus Christ in order to renew our mind and achieve our dreams that is and should be our vision has God for us a ¡ glorious destiny!

Amen, @darlenys01, in our way of thinking is framed our destiny.

We must go through this land and leave a legacy for future generations, very bvuen message apostle @darlenys01.It is about being visionary.

Thank you for sharing this vision of what our future and the promises of our Lord represent in the present. Receive my affections.

God bless you sister, we are the reflection of our very good way of thinking your message.

good write-up Ma @darlenys01. how i wish it is possible for all Christians to so see this and maybe there mentality will change.
i ask myself questions like, why should an unbeliever be prosperous than the Christians who says they know God and hear from him.
Abraham was prosperous in all aspect of his life and now you look poverty stricken then you tell me you want to go and speak to people
what is the difference between you and those people.
thank God that i got an answer 'because they refuse to see the future and as such do not live for it but live for today.

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