SteemChurch:Characteristics of a Loyal Person, Strong and Faithful in God !!

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

The characteristics of a loyal, strong and powerful person in God are very remarkable in the Christian. A Christian, must be a person, who shows his neighbor love, loyalty and kindness, but must also be to God. In this opportunity, the characteristics of a person who is loyal to God and at the same time powerful, because he is powerful, are shown.

There are a diversity of people, that is, types of characteristics. The characteristics of the different people will also be shown. As are the characteristics, of a happy person. Happiness is a topic that many people talk about, but few of them actually know the characteristics of a happy person.


Characteristics of a faithful and loyal person.

A loyal and faithful person, is that person, reliable that does not abandon or betray. The children of God have the responsibility to be loyal to God and to his word. Loyalty and fidelity in relation to God, we can get people, who leave God, their families and service to him, when things are not going very well, or go really bad.

Jeremiah 42.5
"And they said unto Jeremiah, The LORD be among us a witness of truth and of loyalty, except we do according to all things for which Jehovah your God will send you to us" Jeremiah 42.5

At the moment of pressure, and when problems arise, it is when we have to prove, how truly loyal we are, to God. Since loyalty, is one of the keys that are needed, so that God can deposit in our hands the gifts required to exercise their authority.

Matthew 25.21
"And his lord said to him: well, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a little, I will set you much; enter into the joy of your lord "Matthew 25.21

We need to be faithful to God, in everything he has given us. Both in finances, as with the family, in our jobs and also with the different gifts that God has distributed to his children.

The Christian, there must be several questions about his loyalty to God: What have you done with the gift of a prophet, evangelist, teacher or intercessor that God has given you? Are you really praying for the family, that God has given you? Have you multiplied the gift of leadership within yourself? Are you really serving God or are you just receiving his blessings, but you are not giving anything to God?

Romans 5.19
"For just as by the disobedience of one alone many were made sinners, so also by the obedience of one alone will many be made righteous" Romans 5.19

We are loyal and faithful, when we are definitely dedicated to doing the will of God, although we often do not understand why, of things, it should always be our priority to do the will of God. Obedience is the door that opens the way for us to overcome the enemy. The enemy will never stand in front of someone, who is obedient to God, and who, therefore, is faithful and loyal to the commands of God.

Characteristics of a happy person.

A happy person, has as main characteristics, always see her with a smile in her mouth. But, it is definitely not, that characteristic, what defines a happy human being. A person, who has received Jesus in his heart, and in addition to all this, has converted to him, can speak of the characteristics of happiness.

Happiness is not granted, by someone else, which means that, not necessarily, you must be in a relationship to be happy. Well you can be happy, by yourself. A happy person is one who cares about being well with herself, being happy first, and then giving a little happiness to someone else. True happiness, for a Christian, must be summed up in doing the will of God in their lives. No one can know greater joy and happiness than to obey God.

A happy person, defines his true happiness, to be doing the will of God, in his life. And it is at that moment when you do what God is demanding of you, and you choose to do what is good, between the bad, that you feel true happiness. The peace that surpasses all understanding that the Bible speaks, is what most resembles full happiness.


Philippians 4: 6-7
For nothing you are anxious; rather, in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, your petitions before God be made known. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 6-7

Isaiah 61.10
I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul will rejoice in my God; Because He has clothed me with clothes of salvation, He has wrapped me in a cloak of righteousness as the bridegroom is adorned with a crown, as the bride is adorned with her jewels. Isaiah 61.10

Happiness, according to the bible, is summarized in salvation, in which the human being can recognize Jesus in their hearts. That way you know the truth, and you can be free. A person, who is captive because he does not know God, can not say he is happy. We can not pretend, show a pretty face to the world, and a smile, when we are really empty inside, since we are not doing the will of God, nor are we knowing him day by day.

Characteristics of a person - To fight and win against his opponent.


Many times, where the human being, is exposed to a series of difficult circumstances, where sometimes causes throw in the towel. But if we go to the bible, we get with the story of a person, common and current, called David. David was a little boy, whom his father had sent him to see what was happening with his brothers, he in obedience, went to see what was happening in the fight of his brothers, and when he arrived he saw the people who were very weak and Frightened by Goliath, he boldly and daringly offered himself to his father to fight Goliath.

1 Samuel 17. 33-37
"How are you going to fight alone against this Philistine? Saul replied: You are only a boy, while he has been a warrior all his life. David replied: It's my turn to take care of my father's flock. When a lion or a bear comes and takes a sheep from the flock, I chase it and beat it until it releases the prey. And, if the animal attacks me, I grab it by the mane and I keep hitting it until I kill it. If this servant of His Majesty has killed lions and bears, he can do the same with that pagan Philistine, because he is challenging the army of the living God. The Lord, who delivered me from the clutches of the lion and the bear, will also rescue me from the power of that Philistine. Go, then, Saul said, and may the Lord be with you "1 Samuel 17. 33-37

Just like the devil, at some point he can weaken you, whether in legal cases, with cancer, with divorce, when they tell you that you are going to die in the hospital or in that prison. Goliath, was weakening God's people, who fought against him, but it was more than enough, that a loyal, obedient and faithful, small as David, but swift and intelligent, trust in God and in his name to rescue him that belonged to him. theirs.

You must ask yourself, what did satan steal from you? In times of anguish, in what area have you weakened? Take out your wave, your stones and attack him, never let the battle win you, because Jesus defeated him on the cross of Calvary. So your fight, is more than sure that if you go with god, you will have won beforehand.

We have to seek intimacy with God, because there is where we get the faith and the power to drown the enemy and Jehovah opens the sea so we can go to the other side.


1 Samuel 17. 40-44
"He took his cane, went to the river to choose five smooth stones, and put them in his shepherd's purse. Then, deep in hand, he approached the Philistine. This, on the other hand, also advanced towards David behind his squire. He glanced at David and, realizing that he was just a boy, dark and handsome, scornfully said: Am I a dog to come and attack me with sticks? And cursing David in the name of his gods, he added: Come here, that I am going to throw your flesh to the birds of the sky and to the beasts of the field! "1 Samuel 17. 40-44

No matter your height, your physical strength, if you are male or female. It is the hands of God you have the strength, the power and the loyalty to fight for yours and advance in his kingdom.

Fight of David - Against Goliat


When David took the first stone, the enemy was already confused and weakened with the certainty and authority of his words, because when you declare the word of God with faith, the world and the flesh must submit and the strong man has to flee . That's why you have to go to the source, David was training with his wave; likewise, you must be trained with your spiritual wave, and when Goliath comes to touch your house or threaten you, tell him: Who are you to challenge me, to touch my finances and my home?


1 Samuel 17. 48-51
"As soon as the Philistine advanced to approach and confront him, he too quickly ran to the battle line to face him. Putting his hand in his bag he took out a stone, and with the sling he threw it to the Philistine, wounding him in the forehead. With the stone embedded between his brow and his eyebrow, the Philistine fell to the ground. This is how David triumphed over the Philistine: he mortally wounded him with a sling and a stone, and without wielding the sword. Then he ran to the Philistine, took his sword and, unsheathing it, he finished it off with her and cut off his head. When the Philistines saw that their hero was dead, they ran away "1 Samuel 17. 48-51

The battles that you need to wage, you will win them in the hands of God, with your strength and wisdom. Christians must understand, that our struggle is not against blood or flesh, but against powers and hosts of evil, it is not against your husband or wife, it is not against your boss, it is against the devil that seeks to attack you through them.

Stand on the mountain, confuse and intimidate your enemy, do not let him be the one who intimidates you. Because when the fort stands on the mountain, the strongest arrives and overcomes it. Nobody would think that the simple sheepherder would tear lions and bears with his hand. With that same courage, zeal and impartation from Jehovah of armies we must go and crush every giant that crosses our paths.

We all need a David, who pulls the wave and throws the stone. Become the David, that your children, your wife, that is, all your family needs, to win the battle. Throw with faith, every prayer for your family, for your friends, for your acquaintances, propose that every person that God has placed, in your life be touched by the power of God and bring them to the kingdom of God, even if you have to drag them through the force. The gospel is for the brave and only the brave take it away.

Characteristics of a brave person in the kingdom of God.
A person courageous in God, is one who is willing to do what is necessary, to carry out the will of God on earth. Forgetting their own benefits, just to think about what God wants. We need to be violet people, to take what belongs to us as children of God. We must be brave, to snatch the finances, the inheritances and the souls of those who are near, and even of those we do not yet know, but who through our prayers will know Jesus.

Matthew 11. 12
"From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent

Characteristics of people with power and authority.


It is with power and authority that men and women have to be free and renounce the rag of religion and tradition of men who say that God said what he has not said. God is looking for a mouth that establishes his word and his power, give him your mouth so that his will can be done. We need to understand that we are the watchmen of our house, our homes, our children and our land.

Ezekiel 3. 17
"Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; you will hear, you, the word of my mouth, and you will admonish them from me "Ezekiel 3. 17


beautiful characteristics of a man of God, good post very well specified, sikempre with excellence apostol

Bless be God
yes i absoutly
you can sure to @sniffnscurry.

darlenys excellent post characteristics of God man ...

always showing your love for God the apostle, bless us with the word of God, one of the characteristics of the man of God, is to rise up before the difficulties

This is great and detailed.
We need to love God and our neighbours, stand in times of difficulties and never renounce our faith,be a blessing to others,be strong even in adversity and never give up while still maintained our standards in God.

In my walk with God I have learnt one thing and that is to be loyal in order to gain God's trust. God will never entrust anything valuable or precious to a disloyal person because he is a faithful God and expect such qualities from those that follows Him.
It sad in our days, seeing how many have turned to be unfaithful even in the little things God has given to them.
How much more will God commit to them if they continue to be disloyal.
We cannot such lives and glad you have shared this post, nice one, resteemed.

Happiness is indeed found in Salvation through Christ Jesus.

David was a man who was after GOD'S heart.
His life, challenges, victories and everything about him is a miracle of faith.

I teach Children Sunday school and always make reference to his story and how he defeated Goliath.

All forms of Goliath are destroyed through our confession of the Word, just like you said.

I love this and want others to see and learn from it too.

Resteemed for visibility.
Good job Sis.

Excellent post sister, being faithful means respecting the pact we have made when we receive what we have agreed, but being loyal is more than that, because it implies fidelity despite what we receive and the circumstances. If fidelity is synonymous with service and if God is faithful, it means that He is the first to teach us to serve our loved ones.
It is time to improve our relationships by being faithful, loyal and useful.

“Faithful to God and faithful to man” Amen dear Sister! You writings always amaze and edify me! Thank you!
Daddy William

Hello, daddy William, I already missed your good comments

I try to come by frequently!

The Word says that our Lord is faithful and sincere with those who offer the same.
It is an exchange of values, necessary in any relationship. If you present yourself transparent, without setbacks in front of His presence, you can ask him to change you so he can love him more. No relationship can be based on the lie, much less the relationship with God because He knows us, but wants us to open our hearts voluntarily, without reservations. So, if you want a better relationship with your Father you must serve him, love him and obey him. Going to the next level means living away from sin, abhorring the bad and fulfilling His commands to be worthy of the blessing promised to us.

This is so powerful "We need to be faithful to God, in everything he has given us. Both in finances, as with the family, in our jobs and also with the different gifts that God has distributed to his children."
God bliss you for this powerful mgs

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