Happiness is God

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Verily, verily, I say unto you, ye shall mourn and lament, and the world shall rejoice; But even if you are sad, your sadness will become joy. The woman when she gives birth, has pain, because her time has come; but after she has given birth to a child, she no longer remembers the anguish, for the joy of having a man born in the world. You too now have sadness; But I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy. "John 16: 20-22 NKJV.


For some reason or for circumstances that we sometimes go through, our life and our hearts are disturbed, together the hope and the longing to be happy is vanishing. How many opportunities and how many moments are we wasting due to sadness? Have you ever thought that you will not be happy?

I believe that we all have asked ourselves these questions at some point, since we seek happiness in money, in material goods, in professional titles, in having a good job or simply believe that we will be happy when we fall in love and get married. .

Everything that the world offers us with regard to happiness are pure lies, I have had many things in this life but only in one have I found true happiness. Even if I do not have all the money in this world or all material things, it is more than enough to have God, He is my happiness; that has been my greatest success, that He has fixed on me and has chosen me. Today I want to tell you that you too can be happy if you let Jesus be the center of your life, He also chose you.

Sometimes we deny what we do not have, and we do not notice that we can be happy with what we have, no one can be happy with something they do not have, which means that what God has given you is a blessing and there is we learn to be happy with what we have, but the most important thing is that our happiness will depend on whether or not we have God in our hearts.

Society deceives us so much that it makes us believe that having the latest technology cell phone, having a model car, a luxurious house, earning a lot of money, enjoying parties and vices will fill the gaps we have in our hearts. They are pure traps and we fall so easily, then just as we strive to obtain the luxuries, because we do not strive to cultivate a relationship with God every day and enjoy his presence.

¨ You taught me how to live as you like. In your presence I am very happy! By your side I am always happy! ¨ Psalm 16:11 (Translation in Current Language).

If God does not make you happy, if you are not happy with what you are and what He has given you, let me tell you that you will not be happy with anyone else, or with anything that exists in this world.

How do you think you are going to be happy to someone if not even God makes you happy, many make the mistake of getting married to be happy, you are not going to offer to another person what you do not feel and what you are not, that's why many marriages fail. I am not against marriage, on the contrary, but this is already part and contributes to that happiness we have found in God.

If fame, money and all the material luxuries made us happy, then because so many famous people commit suicide, they fall into depressions and sadness. Sometimes we crave these things but we see cases in society that make us reflect as a person who apparently has everything, as he comes to take his own life.

¨ Then the humble will grow in joy in Jehovah, and even the poorest of men will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.¨ Isaiah 29:19 NKJV.

The day of dying, nothing of what you have and what you are struggling to have will take you in the drawer, and through the narrow door that Jesus offers us there is no place for those things, only for our soul.

Do not worry about what you do not have, do not let bad memories, problems and decisions of the past take away the opportunity to be happy with God.

"It seems that we are sad, but in reality we are happy. It seems that we are poor, but to many we make them rich. It seems we have nothing, but we have it all. "

2 Corinthians 6:10

The happiness is God


Surely like me, you have asked yourself, so what should I do to be happy? Which of all the roads leads to happiness? Truly Happiness can not be found without the direct intervention of God in our lives, all the ways that suppose the capacity of the man to be happy by itself only produce momentary satisfaction.

What do we need to be happy? What we need most to lead a life full of peace and happiness is to strengthen our faith.

What we need most to lead a life full of peace and happiness is to recognize the blessings that surround us. What we need most to lead a life full of peace.

The book Social Psychology ensures that "personal relationships have more influence on our well-being than employment, salary, community and even health". In other words, to be happy, the human being needs to give and receive love. "[If] I do not have love, I am nothing," says the Bible (1 Corinthians 13: 2).

Happiness is only found in God. As Creator, only He knows the most intimate springs of our complicated personality, and knows what we need to be fully happy.
The first, then, is to know God, and to have him in the heart. To have it, not as mere information, or as a general culture, but as a constant, permanent friend in our lives. Thanks for sharing @darlenys01.

I really loved this part ""It seems that we are sad, but in reality we are happy. It seems that we are poor, but to many we make them rich. It seems we have nothing, but we have it all"

The gift of Christ Jesus to humanity came with a promise of happiness.

"You will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth. - Like 1: 14.

Thus, getting to know Christ Jesus is the first step to attaining a state of happiness. Having Christ formed in our heart is what will help us to accept reprimand like the Corinthians did. When we are disciplined, it breeds sorrows, but when we allow the words of caution to workout repentance in us, surely, happiness come.

2Co 7:9 But now I am happy—not because I made you sad, but because your sadness made you change your ways. That sadness was used by God, and so we caused you no harm.
2Co 7:10 For the sadness that is used by God brings a change of heart that leads to salvation—and there is no regret in that! But sadness that is merely human causes death.

In other words, every human being has had to go through, is going through, or is about to go through difficult and painful circumstances. But what separates the Christian from the rest of humanity is our faith. And what separates the faithful Christian from the rest of the people is that the faithful Christian can overcome anything that happens to him.

Many seek peace and happiness in drugs, alcohol, fornication, and the great number of vices that abound in the world, but the peace and happiness that so many crave will never be found in any of those things. happiness is Jesus.

How can we achieve happiness and peace in our life? Paul answers this question clearly here when we read: "... I do not say it because I have shortages, because I have learned to be content, whatever my situation may be. 12 I know how to live humbly, and I know how to have abundance; in everything and for everything I am taught, both to be satiated and to be hungry, so that I may have plenty as well as to suffer need ... "

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